CyberGeek: Morning Bookie
I closed my eyes chewing my lip. Should I send it? Or maybe just send morning? Or...maybe nothing at all? I sighed and just clicked the button. Then groaned mentally slapping myself. I just sent that with his nickname that I made but never called him. He's going to think I'm weird or that I text the wrong person. But it's almost been a week since we've known each it's not too it?
"Hey your shaking, are you okay?" Victor asked tilting my head up making my face heat up.
"Uwa-Uwah I-I um..." I felt my head spinning then I felt someone pushing me to the table.
I glanced back seeing Farley. He smiled and I looked up feeling my face heat up more. Once I was at the table I got on the stool.
"Does Biology scare you a lot?" Farley asked laughing softly and I huffed.
"Yes but that's not what's bothering me," I said as the teacher passed out some packets.
"What's bothering you then?" Clyde asked before covering his mouth and nose with his arm sneezing.
"Bless shoo," I said and he grinned.
"Why thank you," he said and I smiled.
"Yeah, but what is bothering you?" Farley said glancing from Clyde back to me and I shifted in my seat.
"Oh um just text someone and stuff," I said waving it off feeling my cheeks get warm slightly.
"Ooooh, who's the girl?" Victor asked coming over to our table making me jump slightly then squirm.
"Ooh yeah, who is it?" Clyde asked grinning.
I looked down squirming. Maybe I should have made something up.
"He's not a girl," I said softly and looked up to find ocean blue eyes staring at me before coughing as he got up.
"Okay, Victor get back to your table. Your not wanted." Farley said grinning and Victor scoffed before rolling his eyes and glanced at me smiling before walking away.
My face heated up and I covered it with my hands. Then I felt someone pull my hands away.
"You get flustered easily don't you," Farley asked as our eyes met.
I gulped feeling my face heat up more. I put my arms on my side nodding slowly. I hated it, but I do get flustered easily.
"Don't worry we're all friends here," Clyde said smiling and I nodded relaxing before smiling back.
Biology finally ended and I walked with Farley to my Photography class. Farley was mostly quiet around Me when we 're alone. Did I say something wrong? Maybe he doesn't like me? He's helped me a lot though....maybe because it's the nice thing to d-
"Oh, my gosh are you okay?" Farley's wide ocean blue eyes stared down at me.
I just walked in the door. Smart move Oakely. I groaned rubbing my face. Farley put his hand out and I grabbed it. He lifts me up back on my feet moving my hands from my face.
"Does your nose feel broken?" he asked and I scrunched up my nose.
No pain so far.
"No," I said shaking my head and he nodded before poking my forehead which I immediately covered up.
"Ow..." I said frowning.
"Your bleeding there now," he said and I frowned more.
I do bruise easily most of the time. He opened the door closing it when I was about to walk in. He came back out with a pass and dragged me to the nurse who was on the first floor.

Critical Thinking ✔
Novela JuvenilOakely here is just your average boy in the closet unknowingly. Literally, the closet is kind of his special place. With his life going upside down since he not only moved to another state but his family possibly might be torn apart. Then Oakely dis...