I didn't hear from Clyde, and I didn't see him either. I thought maybe it was because we didn't have many classes together, but I didn't see him in the class either I normally saw him in either. And at lunch he was no where to be found. I text him but still got no replies. I even called, and no answer. Eventually I asked our friends and they didn't seem to know anything either. I would go visit him but I didn't remember where he lived. So I decided to just wait until I saw him again.
But days passed and he wasn't around. It wasn't just me getting worried now. Our friends were worried too, or at least showed they were worried if they already were. And we ended up at Clyde's house, all of us. Vic drove us to his house, my dad remembered the address. He had it in his phone since he had to drive us there one time, Thanksgiving.
"So should we all get out?" Vic asks when he parks the car.
I glance back at Clyde's house as they all talk about it. I was going to join in until I saw a sign. The sign was big and in red, bold, capitalized letters. It said FOR SALE!
"Guys." I say looking away from the sign, to them. I got a look from Lily but kind of ignored it for the moment. "The house is for sale." I say frowning.
"Sale...so he's moving?" Vic says glancing around for the sign.
"Or maybe he already moved." Cory says shrugging.
"But why wouldn't he tell us?" Farley says and we all go quiet looking at each other then the house and the sign.
"I think I know why..." I say and gain all the attention suddenly. "Uh I'll go first." I say taking off my seatbelt and get out of the car.
I take a deep breath as I close he door behind me. I let it out before walking up to the house and knock on the door. There was no answer so I knocked some more. Still there was no answer, I decided to ring the doorbell to see if that would get someone to the door. I glanced up at the windows to see if anyone was possibly peeking down at me or anything. But I heard no movement, nothing. Nobody was coming to the door. Even though I thought so I still glanced back at the house multiple times as I walked back to the car. As I got closer Vic rolled down the window on the passenger seat's side.
"Nobody's there...right?" Vic asks and I sigh then shake my head with a frown.
"Well...let's just go then and hope he talks to us soon." Lily says and all of us agree.
I get inside the car and Vic gets out of park. As he drives off I look back at the house. It felt like I was back on the day dad was driving us to our new house. We were leaving our old house, the one we lived in for so long. But this was different, my mom I knew would eventually reach back. I had a completely different relationship with Clyde than my mom. And from the last time I saw him, I had a feeling I did something wrong. And I wasn't sure if Clyde would reach back to us...or more so, me.
It was getting closer to Clyde being gone for more than a week. And during the whole time our group didn't really feel the same. I also felt pretty down, and I think so did our friends. I still text Clyde and he still did not reply. This reminded me of something...Bookie! I had stooped texting since the whole Farley could be Bookie thing. So I decided to text him...but I had no idea what to say. I text paragraphs, constantly deleting my messages. Eventually I decided on something short to send, hopefully good enough.
CyberGeek: I'm sorry it has been a while since we talked...
BookerBooker: It's fine, what's wrong?
CyberGeek: Just a lot has been going on, but I'm really sorry!
BookerBooker: It's really okay, I was worried we wouldn't talk again.
I frowned tapping my thumbs on the sides of my phone. I wasn't really sure how to reply to that. But I did feel terrible, how could I have forgotten about Bookie? Well...I didn't really, I just had so much other things going on.
CyberGeek: Ugh...yes, I missed you.
I wish I could take the text back. I felt my cheeks heat up. There was nothing I could do now. I sighed as I bit my lip, I was nervous about how he would reply.
BookerBooker: I missed you too.
The familiar movement of my heart was back. That flip flop I missed. I smiled rereading his message. My mind drifted off to my conversation with Cory on Lily's birthday... I could tell Bookie my feelings, but its been a while since we talked.
CyberGeek: Aw! I'm glad I'm not alone lol.
BookerBooker: We have to catch up.
CyberGeek: Well the rest of my day is yours.
I feel my face heat up more. I couldn't believe what I just sent. It was like my hands were moving faster than my brain. Or it was just me not really thinking after school fried my brain.
BookerBooker: Oh? Well I will use all your time wisely then.
CyberGeek: I appreciate that! But if I happen to reply slow or not for a while..
I'm sorry!BookerBooker: I thought the rest for your day was mine? Wow, people these days.
CyberGeek: You can have none of my time then! *sticks tongue out*
BookerBooker: No! I was kidding! It's been so long, it can't happen again!
CyberGeek: I was kiiddinggg lol.
BookerBooker: Oh thank goodness...now back to using your time.
CyberGeek: Yes?
BookerBooker: I like someone.
CyberGeek: Oh.
I should have sent a question mark. But I didn't, I was still staring at the message he sent. I felt a pang in my heart.
~ Thank you everyone for 4K! And this book got #1 in family troubles! So thank you all so very much, I love y'all ❤ also I opened my store on red bubble! https://www.redbubble.com/people/AnaBeanz?asc=u and there is more art I have posted on there that are stickers, phone cases, and more! Check it out if you like!

Critical Thinking ✔
Teen FictionOakely here is just your average boy in the closet unknowingly. Literally, the closet is kind of his special place. With his life going upside down since he not only moved to another state but his family possibly might be torn apart. Then Oakely dis...