Bookie and I had started texting a lot again like how we did at the beginning. It ended with long weekend nights filled with just texting him. It had been so long since we talked we both agreed on staying up until we fell asleep texting which began to happen every night. I couldn't stop smiling, it was great to talk to Bookie. I wonder what Bookie looked like... I wonder if he possibly....liked someone.
"Denver!" Ms.Housewright shouted making me jump back into reality.
Some people stared at me while others laughed. I puffed out my heated cheeks slightly then looked over at my teacher.
"Y-Yes ma'am?" I said trying to ignore the staring and laughing.
"Pay attention, and the rest of you focus on the music and stop laughing! We have our concert, tonight!" she placed her hands on her hips making the whole class go silent as I let out a shaky breath. "Again." she snapped her fingers for us to start the song all over again, the song is Thriller.
When school ended I was so happy. I surprisingly had no homework. I could text Bookie- well until my concert. My thoughts began to drift back to Farley. He was quiet most of today. Probably because of that one day Vic, Clyde, and I saw him playing, which made me kind of feel bad. Everyone else acted how they usually did and didn't seem to notice something was up with Farley like I did. I tried to ask Farley what's wrong even though I had a guess but he changed the topic.
I heard a car honk bring me back to reality. I turned my head in the direction of the noise and saw my dad's car. I ran to his car after waving goodbye to my friends. I got in quickly and went on Feather book.
CyberGeek: Boookieee
I felt my cheeks heat up after sending that. Hope he didn't think I was too weird. I felt my phone vibrate and I quickly checked my notifications.
"So how was school?" I heard my dad ask.
"Great," I said smiling as I clicked on Bookie's message.
"Bookie answered." I felt my face get hot as the words left my lips.
"Uh-Uh um, nothing!" I quickly said and read his message sneaking a few glances at dad as he drove.
BookerBooker: Hey *grins* read my new book yet?
CyberGeek: No but I'll get to it! How have you been?
BookerBooker: Okay, you?
CyberGeek: I've been good too. Kind of tired though
BookerBooker: Because of school?
CyberGeek: Yes mostly, how's school been for you?
BookerBooker: Life-consuming lol
CyberGeek: I agree with *giggles*
I sent that smiling then clicked on his profile picture to go to this page. I clicked on the newest book he made and began reading. Whenever he texted I had to leave the book and text then go back to the book. This went on all the way until dad took us home. As soon as dad parked I hopped out quickly going inside the house with the key dad had made me. Dad came in right after and went into the kitchen to probably start on dinner. I went straight to my room dropping my backpack on the floor and flopped onto my bed typing a text to Bookie.
I sent without pre-reading it and mentally facepalmed. Caps were on lock the whole time. Good job Oakely. My phone soon vibrated in my hands and I glanced at the notification clicking it.

Critical Thinking ✔
Teen FictionOakely here is just your average boy in the closet unknowingly. Literally, the closet is kind of his special place. With his life going upside down since he not only moved to another state but his family possibly might be torn apart. Then Oakely dis...