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I couldn't stop smiling. Not to mention my cheeks felt hot still from last night. The message wouldn't leave my mind.

"Hey dude, what's with that goofy look on your face?" Victor asked pointing at my face and I felt my face heat up more.

"What goofy look?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

Perhaps my smile looked weird? I didnt exactly know how I was smiling. I just knew I was by the feeling in my cheeks.

"Never mind." he laughed then poked my cheek.

"You have freckles but their very light and their isn't that many." he said and my cheeks grew warmer as I pulled away.

"Umm...thanks for the info?" I said shrugging and he only laughed then smiled at me.

What was I exactly suppose to say to that? Ugh I'm just an awkward potato.

Once Algebra 2 was over I headed straight to art. I got a huge sheet of paper and some paint. I placed my hands on my hips staring down at the paper. I wasn't exactly sure what I was going to paint.I sighed softly dropping my arms down as Clyde sat down next to me. I glanced over at his art work and my eyes widen.

It was a field of sunflowers. Their was a bright blue sky he had used pastels to color it. The yellow grass and the figure with a huge straw hat looking up at the sky and puffy clouds. He painted the clouds and the sun. The sunflowers were also painted. The figure was drawn with pastels and colored in with it but the straw hat was painted.

"Your art looks good." I said and his cornflower blue eyes glanced up at me then he smiled when our eyes met.

"Thanks, how's yours coming along?" he asked his eyes about to glance down at mine but I threw myself practically across the table to cover the blank sheet making him laugh.

"Sorry I'm late." a voice said I was about to give Victor a death glare but noticed he was sitting next to Cory doing art.

I looked up and saw a boy with fawn colored blonde hair giving Mr. Kent a pink piece of paper. (Psst looks like this⬇️)

 (Psst looks like this⬇️)

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"Well Mr.Grey where were you yesterday?" Mr. Kent asked and all I heard was a mumble from the boy.

When he turned facing our way my eyes widen. His ocean blue eyes were mesmerizing. I think stared too long because he was looking back at me and squirmed a bit gulping before walking past me. I groaned slumping down in my seat before laying my face on the cold surface of the table.

Awkward, I just freaked that boy out with my weirdness. Ugh but all the guys here have pretty eyes. Better eyes then me.

"Aww I'm so glad you think that." Victor said ruffling my hair and I felt my face heat up then groaned as Clyde laughed.

And I said that out loud.

"You have nice eyes too." I heard a voice say and noticed the boy that came in was pulling a chair to our table.

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