What Cory said got me thinking a lot. And the more I thought the more confusing things got. I didn't know what I was feeling or how I was feeling exactly.... But I knew what I felt for Bookie felt nice? I didn't know who to really talk about this too but Clyde and Dad were the first to pop into my head. Well, that wasn't Bookie or mom. I couldn't talk to either of those two about this. Couldn't talk to Bookie about it because it was about him! And just thinking about talking to him about it made my face hot. And mom didn't really know Bookie and I didn't want her too until I found who he was so she wouldn't worry too much about it.
"Denver!" I heard Ms. Housewright yell and my head snapped up to look up at her, my cheeks heated up as I had most of the attention in the class.
"Sor-Sorry," I said looking down to avoid the stares as she sighed.
"Anyway the songs for this concert have been chosen. Sugar, Sugar by The Archies, Bleeding Love by Leona Lewis, and finally All Of Me by John Legend." Ms. Housewright read off a paper. "Well need more than one singer again. Oakely would you like to sing again?" she asked looking at me but as I was about to shake my head it's like most of the class answered for me by saying I should.
"You did great our last concert," Vic said grinning at me and I shrugged mumbling as my cheeks heated up from the attention.
"You really did, you have a nice voice," Clyde complimented me and I held my head down in more embarrassment.
"Hey." I heard someone say softly and I glanced up to see Farley. "You don't have to if you don't want to," he said making me relax a bit as he turned away from me raising his hand. "I'll sing," he said and Ms. Housewright nodded with a smile before writing something down.
"Anyone else?" she asked but her eyes slightly lingered on me which I tried to avoid by looking at anything but her and my peers.
Some girls raised their hands eventually. Vic eventually raised his hand and Clyde did too. Some other guys raised their hands later on too. Ms. House right wrote something down then she glanced at me.
"Oakely there is still room for another singer," she said as I felt her eyes and some others piercing through me.
I sighed and decided I might as well. Besides, maybe I would feel better singing since I won't be doing it alone. I finally rose my hand and some of the class cheered. Ms. Housewright wrote something down quickly with a wide smile. I grumbled and Clyde rubbed my back frowning slightly. Soon after we started going through the songs. The bell rang before we could go over All Of Me. Our homework for the night was to go over it on our own. The singers had to work on playing it on our instruments and singing it. Double work for us.
Advanced History was pretty much the same. Not like we did the exact same thing really. The class was just kind of boring but I always paid attention and did my work. Well, I always tried too. I didn't always finish my work because the class was kind of a bit fast paced. I felt like the teacher was rushing so when the class ended I talked to him about it. He said to just come to him and if he sees me working he will give me more time. I was grateful for it. But now I had homework for almost all my classes but English and Health since we were just reading Romeo and Juliet in class.
"Hey, are you okay?" I heard Clyde ask and I grumbled nodding.
"I'm just thinking about all the work I have to do once I get home," I said with a sigh and Clyde nodded frowning.
"Well try not to stress too much," he said and with that, he waved me goodbye before running off to go on a bus to get home today.
"He's right you know. Don't let school stress you." Vic said walking down the stairs with me.
"Hard not to," I said with a huff and he grinned.
"Well, of course, it's hard. Anyway, think of Valentine's day," he said immediately my plans for the holiday came to mind and Bookie mostly invaded my brain.
"Right right. I have a lot of work to do for that too." I said and Vic quirked an eyebrow as we walked outside.
"Yeah because Oakely has a little crush." I heard a voice say and I turned around to see Cory smirking with Lily by his side their arms linked.
"Seems like he's not the only one," Vic said with a glare and glanced at their linked arms then looked at Cory smirking.
Cory's face went pink as Lily's did as well. Cory quickly pulled away from Lily and walked away from her to the other side of me. Lily mumbled and walked behind us.
"Anyway, who do you like?" Vic asked turning to me with his eyes slightly narrowed, he also seemed to be glaring.
"I like everyone?" I said blinking and Cory laughed as Vic sighed.
"I think he meant crush wise," Lily said clearing her throat as she grabbed Cory's sleeve-tugging him away from us. "Anyway we have to go to our bus," she said and dragged Cory away in the direction of the buses.
"Crush wise?" I asked as we walked over to where Farley was, he must have got out the school before us.
"Crush?" Farley said looking up and turned off his phone before putting it in his pocket.
"Yes! Cory said Oakely has a crush." Vic huffed and Farley glanced at me making my cheeks heat up huffing.
"Can I not have the attention for just a second," I muttered and Farley chuckled making my heart flip-flop.
My eyes started to trail down Farley. I don't know what I was really doing. But I was taking in many details of him. I shook my head quickly as my face got hotter. What was I doing?! I glanced at Vic who was muttering.
"Do you like someone or not? And I don't mean in the friend way." Vic huffed looking at me now.
"Um..well I don't know. Why does it matter?" I huffed and stared at his chest to avoid his scowling face but it only made my whole face burn up. "Sor-Sorry." I turned my head away.
"It just matters because I like you," Vic said his face getting pink, ignoring the awkward thing I just did.
"Well, maybe he doesn't like you," Farley said shrugging and I felt tension grow, Vic snapped his attention to Farley.
"Excuse me your not apart of this," Vic said walking over to Farley.
"Well you brought the conversation over here," Farley said with a shrug.
"Um, guys..." I said stepping between them.
"Oakely do you not like me?" Vic huffed turning his attention back to me.
"U-Uh um...I do like you." I said looking everywhere but him and Farley as confusion filled my head.
"Ugh." Vic sighed. "Nevermind Oakely," he said shaking his head and walked off to where his car was parked.
"You could have just said no," Farley said and I turned to him grumbling.
"This is just all confusing." I sighed.
"Well, I'm pretty sure your heart knows something that your head might be confusing. So listen to your heart," he said shaking his head as I heard a car honk, turning around I saw my dad was here.
"Thanks, I'll take your advice." I smiled and waved goodbye to Farley and he waved back as I got in the car.

Critical Thinking ✔
Teen FictionOakely here is just your average boy in the closet unknowingly. Literally, the closet is kind of his special place. With his life going upside down since he not only moved to another state but his family possibly might be torn apart. Then Oakely dis...