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I dressed nice today. I guess that depends on your opinion about what nice is. My usual attire consists of a Tshirt, some suspenders, and whatever pants. And of course I cannot forget the glove(s) that cover my hand.I wore a button down shirt that was light blue, and a black blazer. my paints were dark wash jeans, and my shoes were something close to loafers.

I still wore my gloves. Even today people don't seem to be used to the whole cyborg thing. We aren't robots, we just have prosthetics. Usually when I remove my glove to reveal a hand with metal fingers and loose wires hanging out, people don't take it lightly. I really need that plexiglass cover. 

The majority of people to show any prejudice are those who survived the apocalypse or were born into families that did. The old timers don't know what to think; not their time period I suppose. You may be wondering how someone so old can still be alive today. Well with new medical advance, life expectancy rates have increased quite a bit, to about 120 years of age.

The world's end was not long before that, and we technologically evolved having prior knowledge of the mechanical details used before us. So basically, our technology is good. 

I decided to take the long way to Jodie's again, in hope of meeting the one who's presence I felt yesterday. Maybe she will be friendly and not mind that I happen to have a girlfriend. She might even give me advice. I really hope that she isn't too up tight. I like a girl who isn't afraid to get her hair messed up or get her dress muddy.

Eventually my heart gets warm again, and I play a game of hot and cold to pinpoint which area is closest. I smile a little when I see eyes peek at me from the cliff side. I am nervous as nervous can get, which is very nervous. She appears to feel the same. How did she get on the cliff anyway?


He saw me! I felt my heart get warm again, and all of a sudden he's looking at me look at him. I dressed my favorite way today, with the dress I cut the front of, some brown worker boots I bought, a pair of goggles on my head, and my favorite wind up key.

From a first glance, he looked pretty handsome. He had dark hair and blue eyes, and was oddly enough wearing only one glove. 

I might as well stop embarrassing myself and get down there. I jump from my ledge and land unscathed. He looks a bit surprised about that. He was a lot taller than I had expected, towering over a foot above my head, but then again I'm short. The next five minutes was mostly standing and blushing. I think he could see down my dress.


Neither of us knew what to say. I am almost positive we have both gone over the conversations in our heads, but when the moment came that we need them, our minds just went blank. She was really short. From this height, I could see down her dress. I chose not to, and to be a gentleman. She had a windup key in her back, surprising. She just jumped off a cliff. Also surprising.

She was definitely more beautiful than I could have dreamed. The way her hair fell in the right way, and how great her eyes were. Two different colors they were, which I have always thought was nice. Her left eye was an icy blue color, while the other was deep amber. Eyes like this aren't uncommon these days, yet she managed to have the prettiest.

All of a sudden, we held our hands out in front of us and touched. Her hands were so much smaller than mine. We both jumped at the way our hearts responded, and then laughed. Her laugh was adorable. Although, one with a height if five feet would be expected to have a cute laugh. About ten minutes went by and neither of us said a word. I decided to be the brave one.

"I'm Gavin, you?"

"Annalise" what a pretty name.

"So, we have the same hearts." Stupid! Of course she knew that! Ugh. She giggled and nodded and told me I was tall. 

I admit, I had no idea what I was doing that day. I had a girlfriend. I didn't know if she would get jealous about the beautiful Annalise. The two could be friends, or the two could hate each other. I would need to roll the dice and see what would happen. I hadn't gone to see Jodie that day. I hadn't even planned to see her, just Annalise.


Gavin seemed a bit tense, but maybe that was his personality. I was curious to ask why he was wearing the gloves, but decided to save the question for later. My list of questions was stacking up in my mind the more I looked at him.

"So, did you have any other plans or...." I asked. I really wanted to spend time with him, and honestly I liked looking at him.

"Oh! uh..uhm... no not really." my question seemed to wake him up from a daze."Anything you want to do? Anywhere you want to go? It's still a bit early so most of the shops are closed."

"Maybe you could explain how you managed to appear magically from a cliff side? Usually pretty girls don't jump from such great heights." I could feel my cheeks start to burn at that last comment. I giggled and said "follow me". 

Author's Note=====

Hey guys! Hope youlike the story! Here's a longer chapter than what I usually write. I have been working on longer chapters because looking back, some are just pathetic considering how short they are. The picture on the side is Annalise. I could not get her eyes to be the right color, but you guys can imagine right? You have no idea how long it took to get that picture to work. BE GRATEFUL. Luv ya, byeee 


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