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Sometimes I wonder what my partner is doing. I have never met them, but I'm sure that I would like them. I fancy the idea of my significant other as being female, and often daydream about her. What she looks like. I wonder if she is clockwork like me. Does she enjoy horror stories? Does she ever think about me? Is she far away?
I sure hope she isn't far away. There are settlements on the moon, which worries me. I can't go to the moon! Never have I trusted space, it's too infinite. The concept of space time itself makes me wonder. And yet there are black holes, which is a hole in space time, a hole in most of what we know. Much like a widowed heart.
Sometimes my cloth heart can be a bit embarrassing. I find it quite pretty, but unfortunately it is a girly pattern. Black with an array of flowers, mostly pink. I'm almost positive that it looks better on my future spouse. In the meantime, I think I will stick to my current girlfriend.
Her name is Jodie. She has long, copper stained hair. She is not so much of a girl rather than a tom boy. Whenever she purchases skirts, she hems them to rest just about her ankles. Then, in the front she cuts the dress to slightly over her knees. She will then pair it with denim shorts, and knee high socks. Her choice in shoes is generally combat boots, which she has quite a few of. If Jodie really feels fancy, she wears spiked heels. Her heart is simple, just some smooth brown leather. I like her very much.

Jodie never overthinks, and climbs trees in formal attire. She also is a clockwork type like me, and furfills her ambitious nature by working as a tinker. I believe she is brilliant, and is often the one to fix my hand.
Yes, I have a biotic hand. I was injured several years ago, I believe about five. I was working in the family shop, and a drunken man barged in with a chainsaw from our shed. The rest is just a blur for me. The man's heart did appear to be faded, though. No wonder he was drinking.


The guy on the side is Gavin.

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