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She led me to the cliffside, and pointed to where she jumped from earlier. She also insisted I climb, in which I happily agreed.


He's gonna be the first person to know about my bunker. I thought. I didn't really care. I trusted him. After squeezing through the small tunnel to get to the actual room, I smiled as he gaped at his surroundings.

"Did you paint those yourself?"


"Wow, is that a refrigerator?"

"Want a ginger ale?"

I tossed him the soda and he sat down on the couch. I introduced him to my music, which he seemed to really like. We started talking about our theories of life before the apocalypse. Our ideas on life complimented the other's, like we were two pieces of a puzzle. In a way we were, what with the hearts, but I still hadn't expected us to be so similar.


Annalise and I talked for hours, and we seemed to be best friends in no time. Her taste in music was perfect, and she was a brilliant artist. She started to sing along sub-consciously, and as far as I could tell she had great pitch.

It was around noon now, and Annalise and I were stretched out on the couch, watching old movies on a tablet she had from pre-apocalyptic times. There was a particularly sad moment, and she started crying. That practically broke my heart, so I comforted her immediately. She looked up at me and giggled, a tear still rolling down her cheek.

"Sorry, that part gets me every time. Really hits home", she sniffled.

"Don't be sorry, I totally understand. Some things just....." I was about to finish my sentence when she looked me in the eye. We kept getting closer and closer, and soon I felt her lips on mine. I'm sure our hearts looked like glow sticks at that point, but who cares. After we pulled away, I saw a little smile on her face and we kissed again.

The kiss lasted a while. She started tugging at the top above her skirt, and pulled it off to reveal a tattoo of the moon and stars. I pulled of my shirt, and we kept kissing. Her skin was warm against mine, and very comforting. She removed the windup key from her back so she could lay down. What was a few minutes only seemed to last a second. It was then that I remembered Jodie.

I pulled away from her, and she tried to hug me. I nearly pushed her away, only to see a puzzled look in her eyes. I put my shirt on. I could barely look at her, no matter how much I wanted to. I could feel her staring at me intently. I saw both of my gloves on the ground, they must have fallen off. She was looking at my hand. I could barely muster the words "I'm sorry" and then I left. The last thing I saw was Annalise, who might start crying again, and not over a movie this time.

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