Soulmate AU- doodles- meetings

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(This is how they meet their soulmate)

Well, we already know the story about how Jacob and Emma, and Hugh and Fiona met, so why not find out the others?

Millard- He was walking around one day, and his non-existent arm bloomed with color. His soulmate was getting sick of not knowing. After all, they were 19 years old! (I'm going to call them Riley) Riley was sick of being alone. So one day, they decided to ask their soulmate some vital questions. Where do you live? They asked. After that had faded away, Riley noticed writing. Florida. Hey. That wasn't too far. Only about a town over from where they live. Next question. Do you want to meet up sometime? Millard wasn't sure. He was invisible for pete's sake! Umm, I don't know. I'm kinda... invisible. Riley was confused by this. Don't worry, I feel invisible sometimes, too. After chatting for a while, Millard reluctantly agreed to meet with Riley at a park. Millard debated whether to wear makeup or not. What would his soulmate think? He was a wreck, not that anyone could notice. He went to the park and waited in the gazebo that he and Riley agreed upon. Millard waited there for a while, and then noticed a young _____ coming up. They were stunning. Gorgeous natural auburn hair, with dazzling amber eyes. They had olive skin, and if Millard was visible, he would be blushing. "He-hello?" Riley wondered, looking around. Then they noticed Millard. Or, rather, his clothes. Millard cleared his throat,"Hello, Riley." He said sheepishly. Riley stared in awe. "You... weren't.. kidding." Riley said. After a lot of explaining, Millard and Riley got to understand their weird relationship.

Enoch- He often scribbles down places he needs to go, or things he needs to do. One day, his soulmate decided that they would try to find him. Enoch first went to the "haunted" Jacksonville Beach Lifeguard Station. Luckily, his soulmate was a horror fanatic as well, and had been there several times. They would often draw little monsters, and Enoch would secretly make a homunculus to look like it. (I shall call them Ash) Enoch was on his way when he ran into a particularly cute young _____ Asking  for directions to the Jacksonville Beach Lifeguard Station. Enoch was attempting to be somewhat nice, and said, "I'm headed there myself, you may follow me if you like." Ash nodded, and followed him. "So, uh, what brings you to the (I'm gonna abbreviate) JBLS?" Ash asked, attempting to make conversation. Enoch answered,"I'm hoping to find something scary happens. And you?"
Ash swallowed. "Uh, well, I'm following my soulmate here. They jotted it down on their arm, and I'm hoping to find them." Enoch turned around and faced Ash. "What does their handwriting look like?" He asked.
"Like this." Ash said, pulling up their sleeve. Enoch also pulled up his sleeve, and held it beside Ash's arm. They were identical. They were both in awe. The trip to he JBLS wasn't totally useless, after all. Enoch and Ash soon grew comfortable with their love of all thing creepy.

Horace- Horace's soulmates name was Jules. He knew that. They talked frequently. Their favorite color was a coral-pink, and they wanted to be a fashion designer. Horace and Jules talked a lot. Jules loves chick-flicks, cats, pizza, knitting, fashion, and magazines.They had a lot in common, except for peculiarities, of course.  One day, Jules asked,"Would you ever like to meet up?" Horace pondered this. "Where?" He asked. "I don't know, we do live quite far away." They answered. Jules lives in Ottawa,Horace lives in Florida. After chatting for some time, they agreed to video-chat online. They exchanged usernames, and texted for  while, then hit the camera button. Horace faced a beautiful _____ . They had golden brown hair, with hazel eyes and freckles. They talked for a while, still in shock about the whole soulmate thing. Horace and Jules eventually met up, for a fashion expo, and spent the whole day admiring each other, instead of the fashion.

I started with these three, but if I should do more, definitely say whom and feel free to leave ideas!

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