Enoch Babysits- pt.1

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P.S.-this is in the future, when the oldest peculiars are around 26 y/o. Enjoy!

Hugh and Fiona were celebrating their anniversary, and they had to leave their  2-year old daughter, Rosetta,with their babysitter. Unluckily, their trusted babysitter had just gotten bronchitis. So their closest option was one  of the peculiars. Jacob and Emma were busy, Millard scares Rosetta with his invisibility, Bronwyn was away,and the younger peculiars were still in school.So Fiona and Hugh had to rely on either Horace or Enoch. They lived in the same house, so Rosetta would have two adults to take care of her. Fiona and Hugh thought this over, and decided it was best. So now they just have to call him.

~Ring ring~
"Somnosson and O'Connor residence, Horace speaking."
"Hey, Horace, its Hugh."
"Hello! How's your little rose been blooming?"
Hugh smiled at Horace's joke.
"Great, and that's what I need to ask you about."
"Alright, what is it?"
"Fee and I are going away, so we need someone to watch her.You guys live fairly close, and-"
"I guess that's a yes?"
"Yup! I'll tell Enoch, and we'll try and clean the house."
"We'll drop her off Friday evening, okay?"
"Kay. Bye."
Hugh chuckled, typical Horace. When Fiona announced she was pregnant, he actually cried with excitement. He loves kids. Enoch, on the other hand, is another story. When the peculiars came to the hospital to see Rosetta, he just dropped off a stuffed animal, and stood in the hallway. When he was offered to hold her, he backed away and had a squeamish look on his face. He always is really careful to hide his things from her. This will be exciting.

~time skip a few days~

Enoch's POV

Horace has been scurrying around the house for days now. I know what he's preparing for. He's told me everyday for the past 3 days. He's always been excited about little kids. Horace has babbled on and on about Rosetta all week. We share a house, so I had to deal with it until I went grocery shopping.

~time skip~

Horace's POV

I could hear a car pulling into the driveway. I set down the fabrics I was leading through, and rushed to the door.
"Enoch, they're here!" I called to him.
I got to the door, and opened it.
Fiona was holding Rosetta, while Hugh was holding a few bags from the car. I saw Fiona whisper something into Rosetta's ear, and she waved. Fiona shifted Rosetta in her arms, and Rosetta struggled like she wanted down. Fiona placed Rosetta down on the floor, and she toddled over to me. I crouched down and said, "Hello!"
Rosetta smiled awkwardly and walked into the parlor to inspect it. I mouthed
a "She's fine."

Hugh walked in, I grabbed some of the bags, and called to Enoch,"Come help!"
Enoch walked slowly into the room, grabbed some bags, and carried them into the guest room. He came back out and smiled. Rosetta came back out, and grabbed his leg. He gave a pained smile, and Hugh called to Rosetta.
"Rosie, Mommy and Daddy are going to leave for a little bit. You're going to stay with Horace and Enoch, okay?"
She nodded and gave her parents a hug. Hugh and Fiona waved, smiling and left. This was going to be fun.

Ok, there was part one. Happy Valentines Day! Hope you liked it!

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