Chapter six :

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When we arrived Frank came to the door in a shirt and slacks."Come on in " said Frank. We walk straight through to the "party" room and when I looked around I saw Niamh's boyfriend Dan Howell sitting down talking to Domi's boyfriend Pete Wents.

As soon as Domi saw Pete she ran over and  jumped on his lap and gave him a peck on the cheek. Matt and I went into a corner and and sat down with megan and her husband Phil Lester. All through the night we danced and sang and drank shots of vodka.

Grainne left with her husband Billie Joe Armstrong at around 2:30am and Olivia went upstairs for a while with her husband Alex Gaskarth. When she came back her hair was messy and dress was creased. Domi disappeared for a while and when she came back her dress was open and her hair was down and messy where as before she had her hair in a sleek ponytail.

At 4:45am I left with Matt and  we arrived back our house only to find Megan and Phil in Matt and my bed. Matt decided to pull a prank on them , so he went onto the garage and got a bucket and ice and cold water and went back into our bedroom and tipped it all over Phil only a few splashes got on Megan but because Phil literally sprung out of the bed she woke up with a scream. Then Matt said ' get out , its our turn now " They both got out and I got into my pjs and Matt just left his boxers on because he was too warm. We cuddled up and watched a movie and I fell asleep in Matt's arms and woke up in them too.

I looked at my iHome and I saw that it was 2:30pm and I decided to get up so I slipped out of Matt's arms and crept into the suite and got a quick shower and got into my clothes for the day , they were a purple Avenged t-shirt , black and purple umbro shorts , black fishnet tights , purple Doc.Martins and I just let my hair flow.

I sat down on the couch and watched two episodes of " 2 Broke Girls " then at 4:00pm Matt came into me and said what he said every morning to me " Morning Baby , sleep well hon ?? " and I always answer with " Of course babe , I was safe in your arms all night long ".

" A/N : cheesy , I no xo "

Matt and I cuddled up on the couch and watched a further two episodes of " 2 Broke Girls " , then I went into the kitchen and made some salmon with salad for dinner. After dinner Martyna and her boyfriend Joey called over to see " how the heads were " and they stayed for two and a half hours and left at 9:45pm. At 10:15pm I went into the bedroom to get into my pjs and when I came back Matt told me to ho into bed that he would be there in two minutes once he got changed , he climbed into bed and wrapped his arms around me and I soon dosed off to sleep.

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