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Riley Matthews
It was lunch period and my friends and I were saying all the weird crap we have to say to eachother before we go to our last class. Maya and my uncle are dating. Farkle and I are just hanging out. We're nothing yet. Someone sits in the chair next to me. My stomach twirls. My eyes meet the same pair of blue eyes that make me blush every time I look into them. He looked upset.
"We'll be right back. Lucas make sure they don't suck eachothers faces off." I say while laughing. I take Farkles hand and pull him in the hall. We sit on a bench.
"Sparkle what's wrong." I say with a sad smile.
"I got replaced. There's this new kid Charlie Gardner. And he stole my spot. My friends think I've gone soft from hanging out with you." He says upset. I put my arm on his shoulder.
"Your better than them. Your an amazing guy." If Farkle would let me break down his walls I could bring him back.
"Smiley I'm gonna leave." He says with a sigh.
"Farkle no. There's only one more class. And it's science class. Your favorite." I try pulling him back to the lunch room. He shakes my arm off his. He starts walking outside. I sigh and grab my bag. I catch up with him and interlock my hand with his. He smiles down at me. We walk to Farkles house. His parents don't know we're here. We sit down and start watching a movie. I hear yelling. Farkle mutes the movie.
"He's getting into trouble. I can't handle him on my own and your always traveling." I hear a female voice yell.
"So that I can pay it off when he gets into trouble. It's not my fault if I care for our son more than you." A male yells.
"I'm moving to Russia. Don't try contacting me. Or finding me. I want nothing to do with you or our screwed up son." The female yells. And a door slams. I look over to Farkle. His cheeks are stained with tears. I move closer to him.
"Riley I'm not good enough for anyone. I'm a screw up. What do you even see in me. I don't deserve you." He says while crying.
"I see the best part of you. I see the part that no one thinks exists. I see the caring, funny, vulnerable, smart, kind, part of you. You are not a screw up. You've been hurt to many times. I have never met anyone better than you. And I never will." I whisper to him. He smiles at me. I kiss his cheek.
"Let's go to my house." I say and stand up. He grabs my hand and leaves with me. .
3 weeks later
Farkle has been spending almost all his time at my house. He hates being alone with his dad. My mom loves Farkle. We were laying in the bay window watching a show on my laptop when my phone goes off.
"Check.it for me sparkle." I whine.  Farkle laughs and checks my phone.
"It's your mom." He continues reading. "make sure you have your stuff ready for Philly." He reads.
"Your going to Philly. What am I gonna do. I can't go home." He says quickly.
"Farkle I'm going to see my grandparents. I can't bring a boy with me."
"You never know if you don't ask." He says with a smirk.
"Mom" I yell. My door opens.
"Farkle wants to come to Philly with you Josh and I. He can't come right. Grandpa would get mad." I say
"He can come. Your grandparents will love Farkle. We leave early tomorrow. Farkle you can spend the night in Josh's room tonight." She says with a smile. My mouth is left open. She leaves the room.
"I'm coming to Philly." Farkle boasts.
"My mom likes you. She just said you could stay over." I'm officially confused. 

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