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Riley Matthews
Maya did my hair and makeup. But I chose my outfit. I have on a crop top and a skirt. With converse.

Maya took a picture of me and posted it on Instagram

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Maya took a picture of me and posted it on Instagram.
My best friend is going on a date. And looking fab. #YouShouldBeJealous 
"Are you staying here while I'm gone."
I ask while re applying my lip stick.
"Yeah. It's Friday so I'll stay over and hang out with you hot uncle." I gagged at the last part.
"I hear you guys." Josh yells.
"Shut up Joshua." I yell back. I hear a knock on the door.
"Joshua Gabriel Matthews I swear to fucking god if you answer that door I'll-" I yell as I walk into the living room. And see Farkle in the doorway. I blush. I grab my bag and walk over to Farkle. He's wearing light jeans. With a black t-shirt. And a black hoodie.
"I'll call you when I'm back so I don't walk in on you making out with my uncle." I yell to Maya.
"Not gonna happen." Josh says with a smirk.
"Bye Joshua." I say and turn to close the door.
"Oh and you'll do what if I answered the door." Josh whispers in my ear. I hit him on the back. Hard. He groans in pain and I shut the door. Farkle and I laugh.
"So what are we doing tonight." I say as we walk to his car. He opens the door for me. He gets inside.
"It's a surprise." He says and starts driving. 20 minutes later he parks. We're on some hill that's surrounded by a fence. There's a blanket on the ground with a basket. We get out of the car and sit down.
"Do you like it." I look out to the view. It's incredible.
"Its amazing. The view is so much better than out my window. There's this huge building out my window that blocks the whole view." I say. I start shivering.
"Here." He hands me his hoodie. I put it on. It's so big on me.
"Thank you." I say.
"That building out your window. That's my house." He says shyly.
"Seriously." I say. "that building is huge." I continue.
"My dad owns Minkus international. I'm not proud that my family has so much money. I'm actually kind of embarrassed." He says. He opens the basket and pulls out chocolate strawberries. I take one.
"Chocolate strawberries are my favorite." I say with one in my mouth. I shyly cover my mouth.
"You have something right here." He points to a spot on my face. I try to get it. I fail. He smiles and wipes it for me. I feel my cheeks burning. I try covering them. He lowers my hands.
"I think your blushing is cute. Tell me about yourself." He says smiling.
"Uhm. This is my first time in the states. I've never left London. I have family in Philadelphia. What else do you want to know." I say while taking another strawberry.
"Why do you keep Annabelle a secret." He asks.
"Because that's always been my secret identity. It's the world I escape to when something goes wrong. And I don't like singing in front of people in case they recognize it." I say shyly.
"Sing for me." He says.
"What. No no no no. No."
"Please." He pouts. I scoff.
"Fine." I give in.

His mouth is wide open. Was I horrible.
"You can tell me if it was horrible. I stopped singing when my dad died." I covered my mouth. My eyes became foggy. I felt his arm wrap around me.
"Hey. Riley you can tell me what's wrong." He whispers.
"My dad died when I was 10. He was shot. He never did wrong to anyone. He tried helping everyone in every way he could. He did not deserve to be killed." I choked on the words.
"I'm sorry Riley. Your father sounds amazing. But please smile. He's watching over you right now." He whispers to me. He wiped my tears. I smiled. I looked up at the stars. It's amazing. I layed down. He laid next to me. He made me laugh the rest of the night.
"Do you want the last chocolate strawberry." He asks.
"Come on this could very well be the best chocolate strawberry in the world. And you wouldn't know cause you didn't eat it." I smiled
"Okay then." He fed me a bite and ate the rest.
"Mm you were right." I smile. He helps me up and we walk back to the car. He embarrassingly sings the rest of the drive back to my house. He goes up the firescape with me. I open my window.
"I had fun Farkle." I say. He's staring at something in my room. I follow his gaze. It leads to the cup on my dresser. It's the coffee cup Farkle wrote his number on with a daisy.
"You kept it." He said while smirking.
"Yeah well. It uhm would've been-" he cuts me off. I feel my self blushing for the 100th time tonight.
"I'm glad you kept it." He smiles. I kiss his cheek and close the window. I walk in the living room to see Josh and Maya making out on the couch.
"I called it." I say causing them to jump.
"You called nothing." Josh says and focuses on the TV. Maya kisses him and walks back to my room with me.
"Yuck." I say like a five year old. She laughs.
"How was your date. Tell me everything." She says. I smile and begin talking.
Farkle Minkus
I got in my car and drove to my house. Which wasn't far at all. My building is literally right next to Riley's house. My bedroom is across from Riley's. I can see her and Maya laughing in the window seat. She's amazing. Riley Matthews your gonna change me. Maybe for the better.

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