~Shit hits the wall~

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It had been a couple of days I've been with these people and they have began to see the real me. I'm a moody, crabby, spoiled brat. But at least I was cute about it. And loud. Very. Very. Loud.
I was a nonstop talker, but they didn't seem to mind. I actually started to want their attention and enjoyed their company. I told stories of my exes, fuckboys, my fucking uterus falling out like it was its body. I usually talked about cats and how damn cute they were, though.

Pey and I had become really close. Though, he was also close with everyone. I wanted to be friends with everyone too, but still felt a little excluded.
That's when Scar and I started talking. I mean, we already talked, but we started like ACTUALLY have real conversations. She was so kind to me, and she was hilarious too. It then was the three of us.

As I became more and more active in the group, I noticed more things. Like how fucking kinky everyone was. What the hell..? Scar was the worst of the. She was Like damn. Chill. But, in a way it was flattering.. kinda.. (totally)

No. I don't have a crush on her. Pffffft. I don't know what you're even talking about.

Rip. Oh wait, I totally do.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2017 ⏰

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