four; april

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a p r i l;

"Do you want to just run in? I'll wait here if you don't mind... cramps are coming on bad," said Kate, curling up into the foetus position in the passenger seat.

"I don't mind" said Dan and he was rewarded with a warm smile. "Does anyone else want anything?" he asked turning back to John, Safiya and Matty in the backseat. When he had first been invited by Kate for a movie, he hadn't expected her friends to be attending the event as well- nor had he expected to be the designated driver.

"Just some chips and stuff," said Matty. Dan had only spoken to the short-haired girl on a couple occasions, but here she was in his car.

"Ooh and coke!" said Safiya excitedly wrenching her black hair free from John's hands.

"Sure," replied Dan making a move to leave the car, when Kate reached out and grabbed his arm.

"Here," she said passing him 30£. Dan pressed his lips together and shook his head refusing the bill. "Take it. I'm the one who's hosting. It's only fair I pay," Kate argued and Dan sighed pocketing the money.

Outside the sun was shining, a contrast to the series of rainy days they had come out of. It was still fresh outside, but it was warm enough for Dan to abandon his heavy coat and just wear jumpers.

He made his way inside the store, the bell chiming as he opened the glass door. He headed down to aisle four first, picking up the familiar box that he'd grown used to picking up during the past few months. Then he headed over to the snack aisle, choosing a large variety of chips, chocolate and sweets from the shelf. Lastly, he grabbed a two litre bottle of coke from an aisle near the back.

He did this all at a quick pace, eager to catch Phil at the registers, so they might have a quick chat. Dan wasn't quite sure why he hadn't dropped by the store throughout the month, he just supposed that he was used to seeing Phil each time he needed to buy a box of tampons.

His heart sank however when it was not Phil by the registers but Sherry, attending to a large mass of customers. He joined the queue trying to dismiss the sinking feeling in his stomach.

It's not as though you and Phil planned to meet today, get your head together Daniel, Dan reminded himself bitterly, inching forward as a teenager with acne-marked skin finished paying for a large pile of junk food.

"PHIL TO REGISTER TWO, PHIL LESTER TO REGISTER TWO!" screamed Sherry into a microphone, the echo of her voice squealing and cracking in the cheap speakers. She mopped her brow with her hand and turned to her next customer - a meek looking young man- with a snarl. He let out a small squeal, hurriedly pushing his items to the conveyer belt which had previously been occupied by the teen's purchases.

Dan's heart lifted when he saw Phil jogging towards the register with a large smile on his face. Dan quickly exited the queue and made his way towards the cash register, along with three other people who followed his lead.

"Hey stranger" teased Phil as Dan approached the register.

"Hi Phil" said Dan, slowly placing his items on the belt, as to have more time to chat. Dan's lips quirked up when Phil remained silent, a smile tugging on his lips. "Aren't you going to say anything about my new look?" asked Dan giving Phil a sultry look as though he were a model.

Phil laughed, "I wasn't sure my ideas would make the cut," he said and Dan laughed.

"That has to be the worst attempt at a pun I've ever heard," he groaned and Phil smiled.

"It still made you laugh though," he said and Dan rolled his eyes.

"Okay, okay you win," he said sighing in defeat.

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