epilogue; new year's eve

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f i v e y e a r s l a t e r;

'To Tampon Boy,

My love for you flows like a period, unstopped by even a tampon.


This was where everything had started. Where he had met Phil, the love of his life. Pj, one of his best friends to this day. Now, it was to be torn up and made into apartment blocks the day after tomorrow. Dan never wanted to look away from it.

Phil put his arm around Dan's shoulders, pulling him to his side. Their breath billowed in cold puffs in front of their red noses. They had spent Christmas with Dan's Dad and Kirstie - his Dad's new fiancé - Dan loved Kirstie and was excited that his Dad was finally moving on from his Mum.

"You okay Doctor?" asked Phil a teasing note to his voice and Dan rolled his eyes.

"I haven't gotten my PhD yet," said Dan, he had only started his first year out of three and had a long way to go. Phil scoffed under his breath.

"I know you'll do wonderfully Dr. Howell," he teased and Dan shoved his shoulder though he was smiling.

"Remember the first time we met?" asked Dan and Phil laughed.

"How could I forget?" he asked. "You were so nervous, it was hilarious. How is Kate by the way?" asked Phil and Dan shrugged.

"Hmm... Last she updated her Facebook, she graduated from nursing school and moved into a flat with John," answered Dan. "I'm happy for her," he added.

"Speaking of being happy for others, did I tell you that Flynn and Cole are adopting?" asked Phil and Dan's mouth fell open in a mixture of contentment and shock. The couple - who were some of Dan and Phil's closest friends - had gotten married last year.

"That's amazing!" exclaimed Dan. "I'll have to direct them to the school Charlie is teaching at. Bryerson Elementary or something like that," added Dan.

"Is Charlie still pining after Mitch?" asked Phil with a hint of amusement in his tone.

"Always. Mitch texted me not too long ago, saying he got the West End audition he was shooting for. I'm still rooting for those two to end up together but... time will tell," said Dan and Phil shivered.

"Well we'll see them both tonight. I think I'm going to warm up the car," said Phil and Dan nodded. Phil jogged off to the car, leaving Dan missing his warmth.

He stayed a few more moments standing in the snow, staring at the shop and replaying memories in his mind. The time in June of his senior year when he and Phil had made out in the storage room and Sherry had yelled at them for a solid two minutes; when he had been accepted into his first choice school and Phil had swung him around in circles. Good moments had passed in that shop.

Reluctantly, he peeled himself away from the shop and headed towards the car. After all, they had a book release party to get to - not just any other book release - but Phil's.

Dan shot a last lingering glance at the shop. Its lifeline was over, but theirs wasn't yet, and wouldn't be for a while.


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