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“Jared, what was he talking about?” I asked, terrified. It was something big. Was it something bad? Was it good?

“It’s nothing. He thinks it’s something, but it’s nothing.” Jared puffed. He avoided eye contact with me, which pretty much meant he was lying.

“I’m not stupid, Jared. You have to tell me.” I slammed my hands down on the table. The silverware made an obnoxious clink sound. “Did you know he was my boyfriend?”

“I don’t even know Ray!”

What was it? What was it that Seth needed to talk to me about? It wouldn’t be anything stupid. Seth didn’t seem like the person who would risk themselves with jail. Then again, maybe he is that kind of person. Jared could be right it could be nothing.

“You said you knew something.” I noticed there was a purple vein sticking out of his forehead. It did not show before, but now it did. It usually meant the person was upset or anxious. Or it naturally showed.

“Okay fine, I’ll tell you.” Jared growled. “I knew Ray growing up. Seth was dating my sister for a while and Ray had a huge crush on her in the seventh grade. All I know is he kissed my sister and that’s why Seth dumped her.”

There was more. There had to be more. His body language was uncomfortable. He did not make direct contact. I grabbed my handbag furiously and got up from my seat. “Call me when you have the whole story.”

On the way home I thought about the first time, I met Ray. It was the first day of school and we were both freshman. I had woken up forty minutes late and I had no time to get ready for school. I tied up my hair in a messy bun and slapped on shorts and a t-shirt with long cardigan.

I was totally freaking out because years before I had been planning my first day of high-school outfit. It backfired. First bell had already rung and this boy and I were running to the doors. He had the messiest dirty blonde hair and unplanned outfit.

We both arrived at the same time. He opened the door for me first. I thanked him and we both ran down hall to our first class, which we fortunately had together so we wouldn’t get lost. Everybody already assumed we already hooked up because of our failed fashion and late appearance.

During lunch, all my friends sat with other people and I was so nervous to sit with them. So I sat alone like a total loner. While I was taking small bites of my turkey sandwich, a tall shadow loomed over the table. I looked up and there he was, Ray. With his bright white teeth, messy blonde hair, and wrong buttoned shirt, he looked gorgeous.

In middle school, sure, I had a couple of boyfriends, but I still was a klutz around them. “Hey, can I sit here, Audrey, right?” he asked in his perfect tone.

“I-I-I- guess.” I stuttered out. It was the most embarrassing moment of my life. He gave me a flawless smile. I gave him a lop-sided one back.

“Okay, let me ask you something, why is a gorgeous girl like you sitting all alone? You hit me as someone popular.” He asked.

I went bright red and turned away so he could not see my blushed face. I gave him a clumsy smile and shrugged my shoulders. “I could have been sitting next to someone else, but I picked you because you seem nice, and you’re pretty beautiful.”

I let out a high-pitched giggle. If I was him I would have walked away right after that laugh, but no, he stayed.  “Haha, that was cute.” He picked through the school’s meaty nasty lasagna. “Okay please tell me you can talk. You said thank you to me this morning, surely you didn’t lose your voice.”

“Hi,” luckily my voice wasn’t caught up in my throat. It sounded normal.

“Cool, my name is Raymond, but please call me Ray.”

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