Dinner Party with the Salvatore's

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It's been a while since Mikael was killed. Tonight, we have a silly dinner party with the Salvatore's. With whom I miss very much and yes, we are all still friends, they just know that if it comes to me having to choose Klaus or Elena they know who my choice is. There's a knock on the door and me and Elijah go to answer while Klaus does whatever it is that Klaus does when nobody is around. "Hey guys". I say while Elijah says "Stefan, Damon, please come in." I roll my eyes at his formality and he sees and playfully glares at me and I giggle, but not a very noticeable giggle. "NIKLAUS OUR GUESTES ARE HERE, GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!!!!". I yell as loud as I can and Damon, Stefan, and Elijah wince. Klaus is instantly in front of me and I have take a step back he is so close, but before I can take that step he grabs my wrists and spins me around like we are dancing and I laugh as he chuckles. I have never seen him in this good of a mood unless it was just us. Meaning just me and him. We all walk into the dining area were me and Klaus sit next to each other and Elijah sits at the head of the table and Damon and Stefan are left standing. "Well you could sit down and have dinner or I could pull all your insides out of your mouths, your choice." Klaus says and I smirk a little at the fact that he really would and I wouldn't try to stop him and start a big fight between me and Klaus. Damon says something to Stefan that I didn't pay attention to and they sit down. I tone out the dinner until Klaus grabs Stefan and shoves his hand into the fire place. Damon and Elijah jump up, Damon in worry and Elijah in surprise, while I sit there sipping my wine. Damon says he'll get the coffins and Klaus tells Elijah to keep Damon true to his word. they come back a few minutes later and Klaus says, " I thought you left." Elijah says something about dessert and some woman comes in and gives him a platter. He opens it and I smile, but something seems off. Shouldn't there only be 2 daggers, not 3. Some guy that looks like a pirate comes in and stabs Klaus in the hand and I look at Elijah and he nods telling me it's okay, to just leave it alone. So, I sit back. Then my best friend in the whole world that I have missed so much comes in and stabs him in the chest and holds him down. "Kol". I whisper wide eyed. Kol looks up at me wide eyed as well and we smile at each other. Then Rebekka comes in and stabs him in the shoulder saying, "This is for our mother." Then she sees me and slams me into a wall. "WHAT THE HELL?!?!". I yell and Kol was about to move but remembered Klaus and looked at me apologetically. " WHY WERENT YOU THERE? YOU DIDNT HELP ME! YOU DIDNT TAKE THE DAMNED DAGGER OUT LIKE YOU SAID YOU WOULD IF HE OR ANYONE ELSE DID THAT AGAIN!." She yells with betrayal very clear in her voice. I glare at her and little cuts appear all over her body as she starts to suffocate. "I didn't know! No one told me! Klaus said that you left town!". I said as I stopped the spell I was doing. " You two may leave, this is family business." Elijah says to the Salvatore's, who were just standing there awkwardly, they nodded and left. Rebekka hugs me saying how sorry she was, I kept telling her it was ok and glared at Klaus sending him a message in his mind saying, " WE ARE TALKING ABOUT THIS LATER!". He flinches very noticeably. Then someone yells "ENOUGH!" Me and Rebekka still hugging open our eyes to see who it was, she lets go one arm still draped around my shoulder and whispers "Mother."

*time skip*

Ok so we figured out that Esther just wants them all to be a family and she gladly excepted me into her family as well but I'm thanking my witch side for that. Me and Rebekka are off looking for Elena or as Rebekka likes to call her the, doppelbitch. I'm still mad at Klaus for lying to me about Rebekka. We found Elena in a parking lot about to get in her car. I stuck my hand out and made something fly out and hit her car. She turns around scared out of her mind. I smirk and slam her into the car smashing the window a little with her head. "What are you doing?" She chokes out, since my hand is around her throat. "You stuck a dagger in my best friend's heart, I'm only helping her repay the favor." I say smirking. Rebekka appears, then out of nowhere someone knocks into her, and pries me off of Elena, throwing me onto the pavement. I growl and speed up grabbing that person's neck, seeing its Elijah, I let him go. Rebekka gets up growling, she's royally pissed. Her and Elijah get into it and she walks a few feet away and he turns to me. "You do realize that Niklaus is going to be extremely upset with you for siding with Rebekka, and trying to kill Elena." He says, making me royally pissed off as well. "I don't care Elijah, he lied to me about Bekka and she deserves to die anyway so I don't give a damn what Niklaus has to say about it!". I glare at Elena giving her the little cuts I gave Rebekka earlier as a warning and me and Rebekka disappeared.

*time skip*

"Rebekka darling, tell me how handsome I look"". Kol says. "Oh, Kol you know I can't be compelled." She reply's, making me laugh. "Well, Kol, I think you look rather dashing." I say and he smiles at me replying with a "Thank you." Me and Rebekka went out shopping for about 6 hours yesterday looking for dresses for the ball tonight. We were getting manicures when Klaus burst through the door. " YOU WENT AFTER ELENA! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU TWO?!?!". He yells and I mutter "Here we go" under my breath and he glares at me. " I suggest you don't go after her again unless the both of you want a dagger in the heart." Yes, daggers work on me like they work on the originals, and when I said stakes work I meant the same stakes that can kill an original can be killed with, and not normal stakes. You'll find out about those later. I was about to say something when Kol jumped in. Ah, my hero. "Again, with the dagger threats, Nik? Don't you have any other tricks up your sleeve?" He asked defiantly, trying to be a smart ass and I laugh." Oh, go back to staring at yourself Kol." Klaus reply's, annoyed. "Who are you? My father?" Kol says snarky, but I know it hurt Klaus, even though he didn't show it. " No, but you're in MY house." Klaus says arrogantly. "Then maybe we should go outside." Kol says closing the space between them and getting in Klaus' face. "ENOUGH! I have had it with you two!". I say getting up and pulling Rebekka with me up the stairs as Esther comes in saying "I like her. Niklaus come with me." And exits the room.

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