Breaking of the Curse

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So, I got the moonstone. well of course I did considering I normally always get what I want. I haven't seen Elijah yet. Well Klaus has Greta the witch, Jewels the werewolf, Elena's aunt Jenna the newly turned vampire, and Elena herself the doppelganger. I know what your all wondering, why aren't you doing the spell? Well Klaus said he didn't want me to do it just in case they tried to sabotage the curse by hurting the witch, but whatever.

We're in the clearing where the spell will be held. The three circles of fire are up and around the three supernatural women. The circle around the wolf is down and she screams in pain as the transformation tries to push itself on, Klaus rushes to her and pulls out her heart. The circle around au- Elena's aunt Jenna dissipates into nothing, she rushes to Greta and bites her in an attempt save Elena's life, Klaus pulls Jenna off Greta and stakes her in the heart. I heal Greta and continue to watch. Elena's circle goes down. "Thank you, love." Klaus says. "Go to hell." Elena retorts, causing me to smirk at the girl's bravery. They walk to the stone and Klaus bites Elena's neck and goes on to suck her dry.

I flinch, very noticeably. Stefan, Damon, and Bonnie notice my movement. Crap. Elena drops to the floor and Klaus begins to transform into his wolf. Then, BOOM! Out of nowhere Elijah comes up and is about to stake Klaus, I take a step forward. "WAIT!" Klaus yells, forcing Elijah to stop and listen. I visibly relax. "Our family isn't at the bottom of the sea! I will reunite you with them! But if you kill me you will never find them!" Klaus yells, smart Klaus. Very smart. I walk over and put my arms around Klaus. "I will take all three of you out!" Bonnie yells. I look at her and give a bitter laugh, looking at her with sad eyes and throw her across the clearing. "You would die." I state. "Family comes first, I hope you understand." Elijah says calmly and we all disappear.


I walk through the woods trying to find Klaus when I trip over something, dropping his clothes in the process. I'm thrown on to my back with a body on top of me, and... kissing me? I open my eyes to see Klaus and giggle into the kiss a little. He pulls away and I hand him his clothes. "Well you must be in a great mood." I comment. "Why wouldn't I be, I'm alive, I'm a hybrid...." I mutter something along the lines of it's about damn time' and he glares at me".... and I feel more alive than I \ have felt in over 1,000 years." He says happily. "So, I take it that's what that kiss was for?" I ask. I was pushed up against a tree and another sweet kiss that lingered for maybe 20 seconds. "That's one reason, but it's not the only reason." He says, I look at him signaling him to continue. He just smirks and pulls his shirt on, making me groan in annoyance.


Me, Elijah and Klaus walk into........ ALARICS! apartment. Instantly I see my sister has Stefan up against the wall by his throat. I speed over and pull her off him and threw her into the farthest wall from me as hard as I could, and since I've been a vampire for 5 years longer than she has, that had to hurt. She cries out in pain, I look at Stefan and smile a sad smile, he smiles back, he knows I cared about Elena. He also knows that Klaus could kill me, what he doesn't know is that Klaus would never do that, and he knows I'm going to protect myself over someone I've known for barley 2 weeks.

"I know what you did, you kept Elena alive, don't worry I won't tell him. When he finds out, and he will find out, I had absolutely nothing to do with it though! Got it?" I sent him in his mind. He nods his head and I turn to see Klaus over Elijah and Elijah all dead looking. I raise my eyebrow at Klaus. "What?" He asks innocently and I just roll my eyes at the façade'. "So, Stefan tell me to what I owe the pleasure of you visiting?" Klaus asks. "Damon was bitten by a wolf, I need a cure and I know you have one, please." Stefan says and my heart rate picks up, I really liked Damon, I mean we fight a lot but at the end of the day... we relate more than anyone else would think. Klaus looks at me, he knows about my feelings for Damon, and that they're just friendly. "Let's see if we can't strike a deal."


Stefan's the ripper again. That's what Klaus wanted though. Oh well. "Katerina, take this to Damon, and Ali love go with her." I smirk as Kat's eyes go wide, and we both speed to the Salvatore's. We stop outside Damon's room and look in. Elena was kissing Damon and Damon was most kissing back, I took the cure from Kat and we both walk in smirking. "It's us you should be thanking, after all we did bring you the cure." We both said at the exact same time as I held up the cure. Elena jumped up and looked at Kat in disgust and then looked at me with wide eyes. "Lex..."

Kat stayed back as I walked forward and gave Damon the cure, helping him drink it as I lightly stroked his cheek. I tossed the rest at Elena still touching his cheek. "Don't worry I won't tell Klaus your alive, I already told Stefan I wouldn't, but I'm not in on this when he finds out about you, got it?" I looked in between them and they both nodded. "Where is Stefan?" Elena asks. I look at her and smirk. "Are you sure you care?" I ask, being a smart ass. "Where is he?" She asked again, more demanding. "He gave himself over to Klaus, for the cure, he gave everything up to save his brother's life, including you." I say all cocky while smirking still. Then me and Kat where on a random street. "Alex, I'm sorry, about everything that I did to you." She says, in a hurry, probably so I won't kill her. "Maybe, someday I'll forgive you." I say and walk away from her at a human pace, she was already gone of course. I started thinking, getting lost in my own mind.


I was running through the woods just playing around with my friend, playing a new game called tag. I seen my sister and stopped dead in my tracks. "Katerina, is that really you?" I ask. "Yes, you are bigger now." (A/N: Kat is still human she doesn't get turned till 5 years later.) She walked towards me and starts to hug me. I hug back, then everything goes black.


I woke up with a pounding head ache and I was in a different dress, it was the one that Katerina was wearing, and it was bloody, muddy, and ripped to shreds. A man walks in and strokes my cheek getting close to my face, I sit frozen in my spot, he is the most attractive thing I have ever seen. "I have missed you...." Oh, god his voice, wait he missed me? ".... Katerina." Oh, that explains it. My face burns red and I have the worst blush ever. "I... I'm not... K-Katerina" I cursed myself for stuttering and freezing up. He looks at me confused so I continue. "I am her twin sister, my name is Alexandria Petrova, it's nice to meet you Mr.?" I ask questioningly.

He looks into my eyes and says in a monotone voice "Who are you?" And I can't stop myself from saying the exact same thing again. "Very interesting." He mutters. He grabs my arm rather roughly and I don't care if he's a man or not he is not going to handle me that way! I pulled my arm out of his grip. " What the hell do you think you're doing? As I have said before I am not Katerina! You will not handle me that way! No man ever touches me like that!" I yell. "You really aren't Katerina, you are a fighter." He says, going into thought, he bites his wrist and shoves it into my mouth and at first I resist. Squirming and pushing, but then I tasted the blood and suddenly I couldn't get enough of it. I heard him laugh and say "That's my good girl." Then he pulled his wrist away and snapped my neck.

When I woke up he told me everything, about the supernatural, what my twin had done to me, and why he turned me instead of using me for the ritual. He said he found me much more interesting than Katerina and wanted the two of us to be best friends forever, so he wouldn't be completely alone if Elijah ever left him, or he had to put Elijah to 'sleep'. He also said that he would rather Katerina die than I. and after what she has done to me, I did to. So, I stayed with Klaus forever after that, hunting down his family, putting them in coffins, hunting my sister, and just us being best friends forever and always. That's me and Klaus. Forever and Always.


I walked into the storage unit that Klaus had told me to go to. There he sat, watching Stefan chase some girl. "Klaus, I have a question." I said, I ask him this all the time so he probably already knows what I'm going to say. "Yes, love?" He says giving me a real smile. I'm the only one that ever got those. "Are we still always and forever?" I ask. "Yes, of course. Alexandria Petrova, we are and forever will be, always and forever." He said sincerely. We hugged for a long time and someone cleared their throat. We looked up to see a bloody Stefan. Klaus smirked and jumped up yelling, "Fantastic! Let's get this show on the road!" I laughed at him and he glared at me.

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