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Dwindling Flames
Fire Ignites
Prolouge's View Point: Firestar
//Note that while their may be mating references, there are no inappropriate words or actual scenes//

Firestar bounded across StarClan's wispy and scattered lands. Trees had begun rotting, prey disappearing, and stars were fading. Sprits, cats were fading. The StarClan cats had watched the clans below. The clan cats were starving, ill, left betrayed by loved ones, and shattering. The starry cats above were left bickering on what to do. They kept sending messages to medicine cats, but to no avail. They were going to fade away too. Only Firestar knew what to do. But he knew no one would believe him. Cats above StarClan? A rock that suddenly appeared and disappeared? A prophecy only spoken to him? A prophecy that would make no sense to them but was as clear as ice to him? Desert the original clans and create new ones? They'd scoff and laugh at him like he was mad.

But he knew what he had to do. He felt a prickle of guilt doing so, but maybe the five clans could right themselves. ThunderClan, RiverClan, WindClan, ShadowClan, SkyClan... All living around one lake... Maybe it was possible. Maybe not. But other groups of cats lived out there, and Firestar was sure some cats would be happy to find territory and claim it as theirs and continue the clans legacy.

Firestar paused in his running to glance around. The Sneaking Rock was around here somewhere, last time he checked. Though, it could have moved again. He ducked under a newly fallen log, his starry fur getting pulled by the log's bark. He's eyes widened joyfully as he spotted a shiny gleam from the corner of his eye. He pranced over to a tree with some leaves piled under it. Sitting on top of the leaves was a stone, rounder and smoother than any natural rock should be. It shined and reflected any light it could. It could make even the grumpiest of cats bounce in wonder and awe.

Firestar placed his paw on it. He felt power burst within him. He shivered at the Sneaking Rock's cold touch. He heard whispers around him. Those lost and without guidance. Rouges, loners and kittypets never accepted into StarClan, The Tribe of Endless Hunting, or other starry cats out there. Some starry cat groups he had heard of from the Sneaking Rock where the Pack of Starry Saviors, the Dead Cats (quite bland and uncreative), and the Lost River.

One of the whispers stuck out to Firestar. The one that had been repeated in his ears many times. The prophecy. But the prophecy stopped half way when it found Firestar listening.

"Find the ember, the fire, the Blaze... The time has come for us to leave back to where we began... We hope to see her soon... The Blaze, the Blaze will find us with guidance from the flames... Hurry..."

All the other whispers had hushed. It became silent after that. Firestar pondered the whisper for a moment. He knew he couldn't get answers, the whispers where much like StarClan where they couldn't speak in non-riddles. Firestar closed his eyes.

"What is your name?" He asked the whisper. There was a small feminine gasp from one the whispers, as if surprised he would ask such a question.

"Long forgotten... Most call me The Whisper King..." There was a pause. "Thanks for asking... You are a kind spirit, Firestar..."

And with that, the rock vanished. Firestar's paw smashed into the leaf pile below at the sudden disapearence of the rock. Firestar stumbled for balance before glancing around. He looked in one direction. He knew he was leaving, leaving without saying goodbye. He wondered if he could take Sandstorm with, like with SkyClan, before remembering she had  been crushed by a falling tree in StarClan's hunting grounds. Firestar winced but kept his spirits high. He began trotting off in his chosen direction. It was towards where the old clans lived, on the other side of the twolegplace.

Firestar watched as the scenery changed and shifted around him. It was like WindClan's territory, no trees. But there was no star-filled grass or rushing rabbits. Just emptiness. On his journey, he found a lone cat sitting in the stars, looking mournfully down below. When Firestar asked what she was doing, she answered that she had died giving birth and had come up here to the stars where her father had believed they would go. Firestar pitied her, and the kits who would die without a mother. Firestar slept in her territory before leaving the next day with a sad goodbye.

He had almost made it to the twolegplace...

To the Blaze.

Dwindling Flames: Fire Ignites (Warriors #1)Where stories live. Discover now