Chapter 2

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Noctis, Gladio, Ignis and Prompto made their way to Cocoon. The trip their was silent and no one communicated at the half an hour trip.
"Forces Incoming!" One of the soldiers shouted
Lightning,Snow and Sazh took one end of the capital along with Serah and Noel Kries. Fang, Cor, Hope, Vanille and team Nora took the Guardian Corp Base along with other soldiers.

Than came the Niflheim soldiers, the civilians fled to a safe route while the corp stood up against them. "Fools" a man with a white robe and medium length white hair whispered to himself. The man let out a hand gesture to order for the attack. Lightning, Sazh, Snow, Serah and Noel had difficulty against Niflheim but they succeeded with the help of Snow and Lightning's Eidolons. "Right on!" Snow shouted, Serah giggled at her hero's success. Lightning rolled her eyes "we should get back to Fang and the Others" she proclaimed. They took off to them

As they arrived they were surrounded, Lightning and the others tried to help but they were outmatched by numbers. Than came an explosion coming down the Niflheim soldiers, sending a dozen of them flying than another one came. Cor looked at the guy firing the projectile and it was Prompto. He chuckled "always the crazy one of the group" he whispered. Lightning and the others attacked aswell as Prompto. After a long battle they all looked at the blonde boy. "Well didn't I save your ass again Cor" Prompto laughed . "Okay Promp il give you that one" Cor said and he smiled. Than Vanille stepped in "Hi!.. I'm Oerba Dia Vanille, but you can call me Vanille or Van" said the hyper active girl with a huge smile on her face, Prompto let out another laugh "well I'm Prompto Argentum, Nice to meet you" he shook her hand. "Let me introduce to the others" Vanille grabbed his hand and introduced Prompto to the gang

"Okay well theres Lightning and her sister Serah, Serah's boyfriend Snow, Theres Noel, leader of the guardian corp Fang, The gunman Sazh, The young mechanic Hope, you know Cor, theres Team Nora which consist of Lebreau, Gadot, Yuj and Magui" they all greeted Prompto

"Back to serious business... Wheres Noct, Ignis and Gladio" Cor asked
"Well they told me to find you and than they were gunna head out to Crystal Obelisk where the Crystal is held"
The gang head out to the tower, when they arrived they saw a hundred soldiers standing outside with trucks loaded with guns.
They were about to go out there and deal with it but Prompto told them not too. They stared and watch as Noctis came out alone. "What is he doing?" Lightning asked "Just watch the show" Prompto said

Noctis stared at the Attackers as they aimed at him. They shot. The sound shattering glass as the bullets connect but didn't hit Noct bit around him. Noctis waved his hand and swords circled around him. Lightning was in awe and was interested at the prince and this power. "Hot" Lebreau sounded flirty, everyone looked at her. "Come on he is though"

Noctis warped and slice through the hundred soldiers who was in his way. The Niflheim soldiers were outmatched and many of them had fallen. Noctis landed back up the steps while Gladio and Ignis walked out. "Huh.. didn't hold back didnt you Noct" Gladio said sarcastically "hey at least I saved some for you to hit around" Noctis chuckled. All three them attacked the soldiers. Prompto ran up and helped out too. "Glad for you to join us Prompto" Ignis said. Prompto smiled and nodded.

Noctis was hitting and warping until a Pink-haired girl stepped in front of him and attacked the remaining soldier. She turned a saw he was staring. "Thanks but.. I would've got that"
"Hmph" Lightning ran off and helped the others.
Noctis was puzzled at that encounter but soon enough he let it go. When the Niflheim soldiers fled, everyone in Cocoon cheered, a young boy came up to Noctis. Noct kneeled down. "Thank you Prince Noctis!" young boy hugged him. Noctis eyes became wide and patted the boy in the head "your welcome... remember it wasn't just me, your fellow soldiers helped too" the young boy smiled and ran off to his mother and father. Noctis looked at him, he remembered the good times when he was a kid his mother being around and father would often play with him. Noctis stood up, turned and walked up to Lightning and the others. "Thank you Prince Noctis, for protecting out Crystal" Fang said putting a hand out. "No problem-" he put his hand out to shake hers "its Oerba Yun Fang, call me Fang and I run things around here"
They exchange greetings and Fang introduced Noctis, Ignis, Gladio to the others. Fang let them stay at Guardian Corp HQ. When Noctis entered the soldiers looked at him "thats him.. the Prince of Lucis" thats all Noctis heard. "Heres your keys Noct... heres yours Gladio... Heres yours Ignis and heres your Prompto." Fang handed them keys

"Hey Prompto il show you your room" Vanille quickly grabbed his arm and ran off to his room. Gladio looked at Noctis and chuckled Noctis walked out of Fangs office. "Hey prince!, want me to help you find your room?" Lebreau shouted while running up to him. "Uh sure?"
"Im Lebreau by the way" she smiled "nice to meet you" She walked him to his room, "thanks Lebreau" "no problem!. il meet you with the others later in the Cafeteria. Remember its downstairs take a left than its to your right"
Noctis nodded and walked in his room. It was small compared to his old room in Insomnia actually it was one quarter the size of his room in Insomnia. Noctis went out and bumped against the Pink-Haired girl. "Hey sorry about that..... Lightning right?" She looked up " yeah it is and I guess its alright" "I'm guessing your going down to the cafeteria, mind if I walk you there?" Lightning was flattered by the gesture. She was obviously fascinated about him and his power. He was a strong willed person. She thought he was one of those Prince's who cant protect himself but he can. They talked the whole way. Lightning doesn't trust people to quickly but She let it slide for now, Noctis liked her because she doesn't address him as prince or Sir Noctis, she just called him by his Name. Sometimes Noctis wants to live a normal life without the issue of this whole becoming a King thing.

Chapter2 everybody, They finally all met and this is a Lightis story (Lightning and Noctis)

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