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    We drove all day to arrive at this shit hole place of a run down hotel and bar to stay for the night. Dad said Mom's old house was only a few miles away but he didn't know if it had running water or electric right now. I think it was a load of shit. He just didn't want to stay in her house. Well it wasn't her house anymore, it was mine and David's now.

    We sat at the bar, Dad said we could order whatever we wanted. The place wasn't crowded, at all. Only a few loyal patrons already smashed. I sat down right next to the wall and an older lady was obnoxiously drunk on the other side of me. David sat on the other side of her and Dad sat on the other side of the u shaped bar, probably to keep an eye on us. Well, more like an eye on me. David was a saint. A saint being tested by the obnoxiously drunk blonde next to us. Her 40 year old self was attempting to have a conversation with my brother who was 17. I could tell he was uncomfortable and I couldn't help snicker at him. I guess he must have had enough after a few minutes of her gawfing and got up. His eyes met mine when he pushed in his chair and I smiled at what I read across his face. It held that you bitch you will pay for this look all the way around the bar until he sat next to Dad.

    The older lady tried to make a conversation with me, but I just gave her a nice fuck off look and that shut her trap. The bar tender finally arrived and had an arm full of food. He sat plates down on the bar top for random patrons. I looked around and it seemed like everyone here was drunk or well on their way. He took more orders and made more drinks, working his way around the bar. My dad ordered a beer, go figure and David ordered a soda. Those two were so typical. When he got around to me, I ordered a bloody mary. Dad said to order whatever we wanted. The bartender looked at me a little longer than normal, probably assessing my age. I couldn't help but do the same to him. He looked to be in his early thirties, with an average build and clean face. I didn't feel like going into detail of how attractive he could be with the right look.

    He made my drink and left again. I glanced around the bar once more, keeping my guard up. I couldn't help but notice a group of teenagers in a booth. By the look of them, they must be seniors. They were staring at the wall and laughing, some with their phones out. I didn't miss high school and the immature boys. The bar tender must have heard them being overly giddy and came back out to see what the excitement was about.

    "Dezy, Shanonn, ohh a Rachel!!"

    "Dezy is married and as for those other names, they don't look near as good as they sound, trust me. I wouldn't call them If I were you."

    They boys faces fell, but now they were on to daring one boy to call. The bartender ducked under the bar and refilled a few glasses. Somehow he caught my eye and headed over to me.

    "Are you sure you don't want anything to eat?"

    I gave him a single nod, and gulped down the rest of my drink. Before I could set my empty glass on the bar top, another was waiting for me. I looked at the drink, then at his back while he was talking to my dad. It was getting quiet in my lonely corner. I looked to the right of me, and the lady was passed out on the bar, her food pushed to my side. How did I miss that? I snatched an onion ring off her plate and popped it in my mouth. It was still warm and was pretty good for bar food. I looked up and David was giving me the evil glare. He mouthed the word nasty to me, so I flipped him off, right as the bartender was turning around.

    Well if this wasn't awkward, I pulled my finger back into place to make a fist at my side while my little brother laughed at my expense. The bartender left and came back with food, while his back was turned and blocking the view of my Dad, I picked up my drink and headed outside. They had a bunch of picnic tables under an awning for the smokers. I slid the overfull ashtray to the other side of the table I sat at and leaned my back against the wall. I finished my drink in silence and was about to go back in when people began to stumble out. Must be closing time. It amazed me how I was able to sit out here for that long without Dad coming to bust my balls.

My Mother's houseWhere stories live. Discover now