S1 E5-E6

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Season 1 Episode 5: Wildfire

Rick made us go to the CDC. For a time I had an internship there. I learned everything from there.

Last night walkers came out of the woods, and we lost people... good people. It was just reaching dawn, and Andrea was still hanging on to her little sister's body. She had not said a word. Most of us moved bodies into a fire. Burn the dead, barry our loved ones. We didn't burn them. But at the same time, the other zombies, they were loved ones. Not ours, but someone's. They all deserved better.

"A walker got him, a walker got Jim!" Jackie yelled. The guys surrounded him. They all talked about what to do with Jim.

"I'm okay," he stuttered five times.


"It's not our choice!" I butted in, "It's not... It is Jim's life. We need to let him decide." I was tearing up.

Rick suggested,  "What if the CDC is still up and running?"

"Man, That is a stretch right there," Shane protested.

"Why, he as a point," I added.

"If there's any government left, any structure at all, they'd protect the CDC at all costs, wouldn't they? I think it's our best shot. Shelter, protection -- "

"Okay, Rick, you want those things, all right? I do too, okay? Now if they exist they're at the army base. Fort Benning" Shane interrupted. However, that was 100 miles in the opposite direction. "now listen," he continued, "It's away from the hot zone. If that place is operational, it will be heavily armed. We'd be safe there." Daryl got pissed off over all of this and went toward Jim with his crossbow in hand.

"Hey!" Rick yelled with a gun to Daryl's head, "We don't kill the living." You see, but his very small statement of killing the living would change. Rick soon turned into the guy who will kill anyone to keep the group alive and together.

I was really shaken up from the event of last night. Watching Andrea having to put her sister down. What if that was me having to put a bullet in Rick's head or the other way around.

As everyone came back from the burial, Shane took me off to our tent to talk.

"What do you want?" I questioned while cradling Jane.

"I- I- after the events of last night and if we're going to the CDC, I do not think we should go. What.." he rubbed the back of his head. "I think we should go to fort Bennings. Lori won't do it. You're his sister maybe you can convince him..."

"oh, so you already talk to your little whore-"

"fine fuck it, I'm going on a sweep with rick, you are useless."

He started to walk away then stopped as I spoke, "Whatever happened to my lawful husband, for better and worse, in sickness and health, until death does us part, Shane. What happened to that?" Shane continued to walk away. I really began to question why I married this man...

We all decided to go out to the CDC, hopefully, this would be our promise land. Jim was doing worse. I stayed with him in the RV during the car ride. He screamed an agonizing pain through the ride until he couldn't take it anymore. We... we had to leave Jim, under a tree to be with his family now... The rest of the ride, his words haunted me.

I'm only alive because the dead were too busy eating my family...

When reaching the CDC, the area looked terrible. There was a wicked smell of the rotting dead. The doors to the building were locked, closed up with steel bars. Rick begged and screamed toward the camera.
"We have women, and children, we have no food, please just let us in."
Shane finally dragged Rick away. I could see the anger in Shane's face. we started to run back to the Rv when the doors started to open. A bright light shined into our eyes not realizing what was happening. I thought that would be it for us.

Season one, episode six: TS-19

When walking in, our savior introduced himself. Doctor Edwin Jenner. He Demanded he take our blood, considering he already broke the rules of letting us in.

Once finished with taking Andrea's blood, she began to stand up and stumbled into Jackie's arms.

"Is she okay?" he asked.

"She hasn't eaten in days ... none of us have," Jackie replied coldly. He then proceeded to bring us to the dining hall. We were all laughing drinking wine and having a good time. For a second I almost forgot my problems, and what Jenners told us. He was all that was left. No one else from the CDC. The french were the last to hold out.

He gave us a tour of the living quarters. Two of his words rang in our ears. "Hot water." The warmth of the water felt so nice. We were all happy, except Shane and Andrea. We even found a ton of books, something to pass the time. A chance for a new start.

Shane came back to our room, obviously drunk. We were staying in the same room to keep up an appearance. I sat there brushing my long wet hair. Jane was fast asleep in a make-shift crib. Shane flung his shirt off, kicked off his shoes, and started to unbuckle his belt. I thought nothing of it, he was just changing. I stood up to go through my bag when he pushed me up against the wall. He pressed his lips against mine and roughly moved them. He slid his hands down my waist and into my pants. I let out a slight moan. Opening my eyes I noticed large scratch marks on the left side of this neck. I stopped, pushing him away.

"What?!" he asked aggressively.

"what happened?" I asked quietly pointing to my neck mirroring him.

"Don't worry about it-" he pushed me back toward the wall. Considering I married a cop, I knew how to defend myself. I pushed him away again and he looked into my eyes deeply.

"Lori, um scratched me, i- I tried to get her to love me again," he finally spoke.


The next morning we all had hangovers. Lori knew that I knew what happened last night. She kept giving me harsh glances. Glenn didn't look so well. He was dying from the hangover. T-Dog made the breakfast for all. Soon enough Shane walked into the dining hall.

"Don't ever ever ever let me drink again," Glenn moaned.

"Hey," Shane exclaimed. The group greeted him.

"Feel as bad as I do?" Rick asked. Shane mumbled, "worse." Lori kept her head down.

"The hell happened to you?" T-Dog asked noticing his neck.

"I must've done it in my sleep," replied Shane.

"Never seen you do that before," Rick said.

"Shane don't lie to them. It was me, ya know. We're safe here, hot water, food. Shane and I got a little... freaky." I didn't know why I was saving his ass, but I did.

Jenner explained to us how the virus worked. Until Dale asked about the giant timer on the wall. It was until the whole facility would decontaminate. The place was going explode. We quickly scattered to gather our belongings. The men went to the basement to scope out the generators.

"Do you know what this place is?! We protected the public from very nasty stuff! Weaponized Smallpox! Ebola strains that could wipe out half the country! Stuff you don't want getting out ever! IN the case of, for example, a terrorist attack, H.I.T.s are deployed to prevent these organisms from getting out.  I told you guys once those doors close they won't reopen," Edwin Jenner said. It became panic mode throughout the group. Eventually, we got out. Carol remembered Rick had a grenade. She found it while washing his clothes his first day at camp. We all ran for the trucks. That's when I noticed Andrea, Jackie, and Dale was not with us. I was about to turn back to get them, but Shane grabbed me, pulling me away from the building. Thankfully soon enough I saw Dale and Andrea running out of the blast zone.

A bright orange light flared from the building... Jackie never came out. She chose to stay... We began to drive away from the area. Zombies would soon be attracted to the area. At the time we didn't know what we would do next. However; we were alive.

Driving away i remembered what Jenner said to Rick after he thanked him.

"The day will come when you won't be..."

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2017 ⏰

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