Truth or Dare

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Guys this is dubbed by Princess Sakura Serenity so make sure to look it up! It's really good!

" Ok let's begin! " Cat yelled as a video started on the screen.

Alya: Adrien.
Adrien: Yes?!

" Dude you look so freaked out! " Nino said, while said boy punched him in the arm.

Alya: Truth or Dare?
Adrien: I...I don't think this is how we play. Aren't we supposed to spin a pencil or something and then it points at who-
Adrien: Uh Truth???

" Wow man. Just wow. " Kim said.

Nino smiles.
Alya: What do you think of Marinette? Do you think she's cute?
Marinette: Alya!

Both Adrien and Marinette were blushing. Nino and Alya fist bumped. Cat squealed quietly.
   " CHLOE DO NOT RUIN MY SHIP! " Cat yells as she whacks Chloe with the stick again.

  Adrien: Uhhhh...maybe..? I don't know... shes uh, wait um...
Adrien looks down.
Adrien: Ya she's pretty cute.
Nino: So he finally admits it.
Marinette: Holy * Beeeeep *

Adrien groaned. Marinette died a little. Alya squealed. Nino cheered. Adrien buried his face in his hands, his SMALL ( YEAH SURE CINNAMON ROLL ) Crush on Marinette revealed. All of a sudden the door shot open. All eyes flew to the door, while Cat cheered. A girl ran into the room holding a frying pan. She had long dark brown hair, and dark brown eyes. She was wearing a black hoodie with cat ears and a tail. Cat squealed, and hugged the girl.
   " Guys this is Bianca! " she said gesturing to the girl.
   " HI! " she said happily. She looked over at Adrien and Marinette, and squealed. Cats eyes widened. 3...2....1....
  " OMG!!!!!!! ADRIENETTE!!!!!!!!!! " she yelled, jumping up and down. Everyone stared at the girl in surprise. Cat threw her hands to her cat ears, a soft smile on her face.
   " Bianca. Sensitive hearing. " she said pointing to her ears. Bianca stopped, and smiled nervously.
   " Sorry Cat. B-but, but it's OTP. " she said.
   " I know that, but still, " she leaned to Bianca's ear, " they don't know each other's identities yet. " she said. Bianca nodded, composing herself. Cat smiled.
   " Anyways, let's continue. " Cat said, playing the comic.

Nino: Alright my turn. Truth or Dare Adrien?
Adrien: Me again?! I swear this is NOT how you play this-
Nino: And choose wisely buddy, because I'm gonna make your life a living hell.
Adrien: TRUTH! Jeez you guys are pushy today!

" When are they not? " Bianca said, and everyone nodded, agreeing with her.

Nino: The other day, when Marinette's hair was down, were you or were you not staring at her from across the classroom?
Marinette: Whaaa?
Adrien: ...
Nino: And at that moment Adrien knew, he screwed up.
Screen turns black and white
Music: Hello Darkness My Old Friend plays
For the next 20 minutes, Alya and Nino continued to mess with Adrien. Adrien constantly gave into peer pressure. The following is the result......

Everyone leaned closer to the screen.

Adrien: I did not quit being homeschooled to be embarrassed by you people! Why did you make me play this horrible game? Nnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggg..... I DIDNT EVEN KNOW I HAD A CRUSH ON HER UNTIL NOW!

Well, at this point, everyone was on the floor laughing while Adrien sunk into his seat.

Alya: Awwww it looks like Adrien likes you Marinette!
Nino: Haha she can't even process what just happened!
Adrien: What is FRIENDSHIP?

The screen shuts off, and everyone cheers. Bianca and Cat smiled at each other, giving each other a knowing nod.
   " Ok so next one is called- "
   " WITH OR WITHOUT THE MASK!!! I LOVE THIS!!! " Bianca yelled over Cat, who huffed. Cat brought it up, and clicked play......

CLIFFHANGER! Thank you InfiniteStory10 for your OC! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Leave your OCs in the comments below. Also leave Comic suggestions please! Thanks guys! ~ Cat

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