W e l l

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Hi there. So, I'm so sorry I just disappeared into thin air. I kept on saying I would continue, but I honestly lost the motivation for this story. I ended up having to delete Wattpad because of the space on my phone, but I have a lot of space again, so I thought I'd download it again. I just thought I'd say that there's a good chance this story won't be updated anymore. Looking back at the old chapters, it honestly sucked anyway. But, I do have an announcement! I will be trying to write other stories. Possibly a few new ones, and a couple of older ones that I still have an interest in doing. So, keep an eye out for that! I'm very sorry about this book, and maybe I'll make a new one with ( much better ) writing. I'm not positive, but it might happen! But, I'm back! I am still busy though. I have two advanced classes ( Advanced English and Advanced World History ), and I need to keep up with these classes as well as my other ones. So, if I disappear for periods at a time, I'm sorry for that! Anyways, I'm going to skim through my other stories now! Thank you for reading! ~ Cat 💕

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