Mini Comic

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Hello Kittens! It's Cat. So I'm still writing With or Without the Mask, so I thought I'd do a mini comic which was also dubbed by Princess Sakura Serenity. I will also be doing another mini comic. This one will reveal their identities. Thanks guys!

As the comic was starting, two girls burst through the door. Cat quickly paused it, not noticing she clicked it off. First was a girl with brown hair, with black died tips, which was pulled into a long braid. She had emerald green eyes, and was wearing a black long sleeved shirt and grey shorts, and black boots.The other one had medium length chocolate brown hair, with hazel blue eyes, and was wearing a white t shirt with jeans and sneakers.
    " I'm Lynn! " the hazel eyed girl said.
    " I'm Lily! " the other girl said while smiling. Cat smiled.
" Well, the more the merrier! " Cat sad, turning to continue the comic, and gasped when all she saw was a black screen.
" OH COME ON!!! " she yelled, her tail thrashing behind her angrily. Bianca threw the frying pan at Chloe, knocking Chloe out once again. She huffed. Lynn and Lily stared at Bianca, shock clearly in their features. Bianca shrugged innocently at them. Cat sighed.
" Well, I guess we could just play another comic. " Cat said, loading up a different comic.
" This one is called The Zipper! " she said as it started.

Alya: Y'know Mari, you've been rocking the Chat Noir style a lot lately.
Marinette: What can I say? I'm a fan.

" Your a fan of Chat Noir? " Adrien asked Marinette, who's face turned red.
" Y-yeah I-I am... " she stammered.

   Alya: Not a lot going on today, toning it down?
   Marinette: Mm...
Nino: Hey Adrien what's up man.
Marinette: I was going for subtle today, take a look at the zip.
Alya: Ooohhh
Alya: Wow Mari, that's so sneaky.
Marinette: I got the idea from Chats baton.
Nino: Oh they look really nice today.

" So Nino, you thought we looked nice huh~ " Alya said at Nino, who blushed.

* Adrien's Vision * shows her baton zipper.

* Adrien blushes in the backround while Nino looks at him in confusion *

Alya: I'm sure Chat Noir would appreciate your sense of style.
Marinette: Hah sure, as if he's ever gonna see me in this.

Everyone clapped, but also everyone was confused. Why was Adrien blushing? Marinette looked at the boy, putting the pieces together before gasping loudly.
    " Kitty?!!!!!! " she said. Adrien's eyes widened as he put the pieces together.
   " BUG?! " he said. Cat, Bianca, Lynn, and Lily all fist bumped, while fan girling happily.
   " FINALLY! " Bianca said, jumping up and down. Everyone in the class, finally realizing, went into a fit of screams and sounds of shock. Chloe screamed so loud, everyone's ears seemed to be bleeding as she stomped over to Marinette.
   " CHLOE THATS ENOUGH! " Adrien yelled, seething with anger, while everyone stared at the blonde boy in shock. He towered over Chloe, who looked at him in shock.
   " I DONT EVEN KNOW WHY I NEVER NOTICED YOU WERE LIKE THIS, BUT NOW THAT I HAVE, I SEE HOW MUCH OF A JERK YOU ARE! YOU SHOULD PUT YOURSELF IN THE TRASH! THATS WHERE YOU BELONG! " he yelled at her. She looked at him in total terror, as he pulled Mari close. Her face turned as red as TOMATO CHILDS HAIR.  He growled a cat like growl at Chloe.
   " You leave her alone! " he said harshly. Chloe rushed off to her seat. Adrien looked at Bianca.
   " Can I borrow your frying pan? " he said at Bianca, who threw it at him, as he caught it. He walked over to Chloe, and hit her upside the head with it. Cat gave Lily and Lynn the stick and they both hit her with it. Everyone cheered happily. Cat smiled. Adrien and Marinette sat close to each other, as Adrien snuggled close to her, as she smiled at her kitten. All the girls squealed. Cat smiled.
    " Well, I guess we can continue. The next mini comic we will be watching is called ' Purring ' " she said. She saw Adrien's eyes widen. Everyone looked at the boy, who sank in his seat. Cat, Bianca, Lily, and Lynn smiled mischievously, as Cat started the Comic.

CLIFFHANGER!!! Sorry I took so long to update. I've been busy in school. With or Without the Mask should be out soon. Leave your characters in the comments below. I will allow the use of the stick. Thanks guys! ~ Cat

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