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    " WAIT! " Lynn yelled, making Cat pause the episode.
    " What's wrong Lynn? " Cat said, her tail swishing behind her.
    " How about we take a small break? " Lynn said. Cat nodded, leaving it on pause. She jumped down.
    " OK every one! " she said, grabbing everyone's attention.
    " We are gonna take a small break so everyone can relax and talk. But.....This comic will be played in a while, and you aren't stopping me Adrien! " She said, pointing at said boy, who narrowed his eyes at her. She shrugged.
    " Go on! " She said. Everyone got out of their seats cautiously. She groaned.
    " I'm not gonna hit you with the stick! Calm down! " Cat said. This seemed to calm everyone as they got out of their seats, and Rose jumped on Juleka happily. ( I SHIP them SO MUCH ) Marinette looked at Adrien nervously. Adrien did the same.
" Soooooooooo.... " Adrien said to the flustered girl. She looked at him, a blush creeping onto her face. And before they could say anything, Bianca snuck up behind them, and clashed their heads together, putting their lips on one another. Both of their faces went a cheery red, but they both melted into it. Cat, Lily, and Lynn cheered, while Bianca squealed. Everyone cheered, except Chloe and Sabrina, and Chloe cried into Sabrina's shoulder. Cat smirked.
    " Well....let's get this PARTY STARTED!!!! " she yelled.

Hey kittens! I'm sorry this took so long to update. But luckily, tomorrow is my last day of school for this week! I'm having a 4 day weekend, so expect more updates. Thanks guys! ~ Cat

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