(Finally a chapter) Purring

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Yep. Would you look at that. I'm finally updating. Welp, enjoy!

As Cat finally brought the next comic up, Bianca squealed happily.
" Finalllyyyy! The fluff starts!! " she yelled happily, jumping around so much her cat eared hood slid off, but she pulled it back on quickly.
" Hey Adrien. " Cat said. The cinnamon roll turned towards Cat with a confused look on his face.
" Yeah? " he said.
" We are watching the comic BOI! " Cat said. The boy groaned. Everyone got into their seats, while Lynn and Lily stood next to Bianca, who was trying to not have a panic attack of pure happiness. The comic started, and Adrien sunk in his seat.

Marinette is drawing in her sketch book while Adrien in sleeping, lying his head on hers. Then he starts ( * cue me squealing * ) purring.

Everyone quickly burst into laughter, while Adrien's face turned red. After Marinette saw that, she had a plan to embarrass the cat-boy later on. ( ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ).

Adrien wakes up and his eyes are wide, Marinettes as well. The poor boy covers his mouth.
Adrien: " Oops. "
Marinette: Oh my god. Adrien did you-
Adrien: Um...no...
Marinette: Can you purr?
Adrien: N-no I can't purr.
Marinette: I heard you purr.
Adrien: O-oh? I-I heard n-nothing.
Marinette: YOU CAN PURR!

Alya watched with a tear in her eye.
" Nino! Our precious children are growing up! " Alya whines. Nino wipes a tear from his eye.
" They grow up so fast!!! "
Marinette: Once more! One more purr please!!!
Adrien: No! No more purr!
Marinette: There there kitty kitty~
Adrien: Marinette no!
Marinette: Marinette yes!
Adrien: STOP!

Adrien was basically on the floor now, with Marinette snickering. The cat-boys face was a bright red. Bianca being the total fangirl she is was practically flying through the air like she was on cloud freaking 9 this girl. ( InfiniteStory10  be honest, this is what you'd do! )

Marinette is petting Adrien and he's purring.
Adrien: I'm so embarrassed.
Marinette: Sooo Cute Adrien!
Adrien: I hate you.
Marinette: I love you too my kitty!
Comic ends.
  " I love you my kitty! " Marinette said to the Adrien Pancake on the ground. He looks at her with wide, happy eyes, and she hugs said cat-boy. The boy hugged her back. Marinette smirked, petting the boys head to see if he actually purred, and he did. Jumping away quickly with a red face, while everyone else laughed. The boy looked at her with a betrayed look.
    " My Lady, how could you expose me like this? I'm very offended! " the boy said in a fake upset tone. Marinette snickered, than Cat spoke up.
    " Alright, now, onto the next comic! "

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I'm actually gonna start posting now! Love you all! Bai!

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