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The next day, we find out that the ice wall still stands, and Elsa is not the reason. So, naturally, we go to the first place we all think of whenever something troubling happens: Gold's shop.
When we ask Rumpelstiltskin if he knows Elsa, he seems to not, saying,
"I'm sorry to disappoint, but I've never seen her before in my life."
"Then how did she end up in your urn in your secret vault of terror?" Emma questions.
"Look, if you really want to know how she wound up there, she's standing right beside you, Miss Swan. Why don't you simply ask her?"
"She did," says Elsa. "But I can't remember. Something happened to my memories."
"Well, an all-too-common affliction 'round these parts," says Rumpelstiltskin. "Pity. But as you can see, many objects fall into my possession--urns, necklaces, all manner of things. I can't know the history behind all of them."
"Only if there's something in it for you," comments Hook. "Right, mate?"
"Yeah, well, that may have been true once," Rumpelstiltskin sighs. "But recently my life has been...turned upside down. He glances at Belle. "I've lost a son. I've gained a wife. So you might say...I've decided to turn over a new leaf."
"Don't forget about my superpower," Emma says. "I'll be able to tell if you're lying."
"How about I do you one better?" asks Gold. "Let's simply have Belle use the dagger on me."
"No," Belle stammers. "No. Rumple, you don't--you don't have to do that."
"No, no, no," Rumpelstiltskin says. "Miss Swan wants proof. And I'm happy to cooperate."
"Fine," Belle sighs, and takes the Dark One dagger off the counter. "I command you, Dark One, to tell them the truth.
"The truth is...just as I said," Rumpelstiltskin says. "I had no idea there was someone inside there. I know nothing about Elsa. Or her sister. But I wish you the best of luck finding her."
Elsa sighs and we leave the shop.

After leaving Gold's shop, we go to the mayor's office. And apparently Mary Margaret has been elected the new mayor.
"Who did that?" Regina asks as soon as we meet her going into the office. She is referring to a painting of two blue birds that is now hanging on the monotone colored walls.
Mary Margaret smiles while holding baby Neal,
"Oh, I thought I would put my own personal touch on the office."
Regina scowls but does not say anything else, going to the bigger problem at hand: Marian on the couch, her body blue with frost on it. Regina frowns at her cold body.
"Is there anything you can do?" Robin asks, kneeling next to his frozen wife.
"This is strong magic," Regina sighs. "I-I can't stop it, but maybe I can slow it down." Footsteps approach and Emma, Elsa, and Hook enter into the mayoral office.
"What happened?" asks Emma, confused as she comes in.
"Perhaps you should ask your new friend," Regina replies, looking disapprovingly at Elsa. "After all, it was her monster that attacked Marian."
"Well, to be fair, we did provoke the beast," Hook comments.
"But this isn't my magic," Elsa defends herself. "Someone else did this."
"Oh, and we're supposed to trust you?" asks Regina.
"You can trust me," Emma retorts. "If she says it was someone else, it was."
"So, how do we break the spell?" I ask the obvious question.
"The only way to cure a freezing spell is an act of true love," Elsa replies.
"True love's kiss," Regina whispers.
"Well, then there's no time to lose," Robin says, making eye contact with Regina for a brief second as if to ask for forgiveness. He then bends down and kisses Marian...with no effect.
"What's wrong?" Robin stands up, confused and angry. "Why isn't it working?"
"I've seen this once before," David says. "When Frederick was turned to gold."
"Who the hell is Frederick?" Emma asks.
"Long story," Henry says.
"The cold is acting as a barrier?" asks Robin. "Is there nothing we can do?"
"Well, every curse is different," Regina comforts him. "I need more time to study this one."
"I'm gonna go find who did this before it happens again," says Emma.
"Well, I hope you bring backup," Regina says.
"What the hell was that supposed to mean?" Emma spins back around to stare at Regina.
"Between the snow monster and the cave-in..." Regina trails off. "...Seems like the savior needs saving these days."
"I think you're bitter and you're taking it out on the wrong person," Emma attempts to reply with a civil tone. "I'll be fine."
"I-I like that battle plan, so I'm with you, Swan," Hook says.
"No, take Elsa to the sheriff's station," commands Emma. "Keep her out of sight. Once people get word of this, they're gonna be calling for her head."
"I'd rather save yours than hers," replies Hook quickly. "There's something dangerous out there."
"I don't have time to argue with you about this," Emma snaps. "Can you for once just do what I say?" She leaves the office.

Hook, Elsa, and myself leave the mayor's office and go to Main Street. We hide in an alley as a large group of people go past, and then come out.
"Coast is clear, let's go," says Hook.
"I'm not coming with you," Elsa says. "There's someone out there with powers like mine. I need to find out who. I...I can't just hide out in some sheriff's station."
"Oh, well, that works out quite nicely then," Hook replies. "'Cause that's not where we're going."
"It's not?" Elsa asks.
"With Emma running into danger? Not a chance in hell," he says and continues walking quickly. "And the sheriff's station is that way." He speaks of the path behind us.
"And what's that way?" Elsa points to the direction we are heading in.
"With any luck, danger," Hook replies, and leads us to Gold's shop.

"I must apologize, but I'm really rather busy today," Rumpelstiltskin says as we enter the shop.
"And here I was hoping for a warm hello from the newly reformed Mr. Gold," Hook mocks.
"This is still a place of business," Rumple says, not looking up from whatever device he is cleaning. "So unless you have something to offer me, I'm afraid I can be of no further help."
"Well, as it turns out, I do have something to offer you--my silence," Hook says.
Rumpelstiltskin finally looks up.
"See," Hook continues, "I know that that dagger you gave Belle was a fake."
"Is that right?" asks Rumpelstiltskin .
"Mm. I've hunted you a long time, my old crocodile, and I know you better than most. And I know that you would never let anyone have power over you," Hook says. "Not even Belle."
"And you expect her to believe you," Rumpelstiltskin scoffs. "Without a shred of proof?"
"Well, I could ask her to summon you with the dagger," replies Hook. "And then, when it doesn't work--proof."
"That's a very dangerous insinuation," Rumpelstiltskin tells Hook.
"So we have a deal?" Hook asks, but it is not really a question. He knows he has won, for now.
Rumpelstiltskin sighs, "I do hope Miss Swan's worth it."
Hook signals over to Elsa who is outside, and did not hear a word of it. She walks to the counter and holds out some hair.
"This hair is from Marian," she states. "Someone cast a freezing curse on her. We need to know who it is."
Rumpelstiltskin takes the bundle of hairs and looks it over.
"Well, you're in luck," he says. "Magic can change forms, but never be destroyed. We'll simply return it to its natural state." He waves his hand over the hairs and they turn into a small flurry.
"Snowflakes," Elsa scoffs.
"Magic similar to yours, dearie," Rumpelstiltskin says. "Though not quite the same. Much like a snowflake, each person's magic is unique."
"Poetic," I say. "How does that help us?"
"Well, magic seeks out like-magic," Rumpelstiltskin explains. "So if I set this free..." He blows on the snowflakes and they fly off. "...It should find its way home. Back to the person who cast it."

New update every Sunday.

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