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hey guys or person I just wanted to say thanks for following me
jellybeanchloe it really helps out. but I would like the most if other people can read my story I been told that I write really interesting and abit funny things :) that help a lot.

As I was walking home, I felt like something or shall I say someone was whoching me.

"hey there.Hows it going" I looked backed to see you know who (jeff) "ahhhhhh" I screamed my lungs out "hmmm, I wasn't expecting that" he said. I gave him a stupid look after I had finally slowed down my heart rate.

Jeff's POV

after just finishing a little "friend" of mine by making him GO TO SLEEP

I saw little somebody walking by even thow I did talk to her on the phone a few hours ago, don't even bother asking me how I got her number or I'll make you GO.TO.SLEEP myself. "hey there.Hows it going" I can tell I scared the living hell out of her "ahhhhhhh"she screamed so loud I could have sworn I saw a flock of birds fly away "hmmm, I wasn't expecting that" she gave me"are you that stupid" of a look "you again.what are you stocking me now? she asked me,walking as far as she can from me

.rude. "I could.thats if you want me too" I said with a smerk on my face

"heck no, it's already bad enough that I met you."

"oh come on I'm not that bad"

"I just think it's weird how a killer like you is asking if he can stock me"

"hey! I wasn't asking to stock you. You were asking me to stock you" I said and then gave a slite chuckle

Emma's POV

he gave a slite chuckle . I rolled my eyes and continue walking "soo.whats a girl like you doing out so late at night" he asked me "I just came back from my friends house" I told him. so then on he kept cracking jokes up and have to say for a killer he's pretty funny "haha. oh my god for real, you really did that."

"yes I'm not lying..." he then got quiet "hey...I was wondering do you even know my name?he said looking me dead in the eyes "of cours I do, almost every person I know talks about you" I said "oh ya what my name then?"he put a smerk on his face.

"jeff, jeff the killer"

"oh good so you do know my name...hey I just realized something"

"what is it,jeff?"

"your leading me straight to your house" he said. and after just realizing that I was leading him straight to my house I gave a little giggle "I don't care. I trust you jeff" he then gave a surprised look and then went back to cracking jokes. after I got home the sun was already down and Mack still wasn't home "I fun talking to you to today jeff"

"me to Emma. and like I keep saying I'll meet you again, see you next time" he then walked away from my house, I closed the door, went straight up stairs to my room, changed out of my clouse and into my p.j's and drifted into asleep.

well thats all I got. if you really like it I would prefer to at least get a comment and a vote and then I will continue on writing.
if not then I'll take all my time to write one ;)
oh and it took me about an hour locked in my room to write this so at least show me some like literally show me some respect

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