Chapter 10

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I am sooooo happy guys I got a hole lot of reads and a few people adding my book to there reading list, and few voting and that makes me so glad that YOU GUYS like my book! I'm so happy I'm starting to forget stuff and how to I'm also having a little trouble with stuff like, school and then I got a hint of writers block *crys a little* I need help guys, I was actually having trouble thinking of the person but then realized I used one of them as a good person (Jane) so I made up one I hope you guys don't mind. now enough of me I give you


Enjoy~ (^-^)



I didn't know where I was and I didn't know who or what hit me from behide "wh-what happened?" I opened my eyes and saw jeff nocked out as well "jeff!?jeff!?" I kept pushing him back and forth "jeff! wake up!"

"I don't want to go school, mom!" he wined, man he really doesn't want to wake up. "jeff, get up!" he wouldn't listen so


I smacked him in the face and he flew straight up. really thats all I had to do!?is just smack him!? "ahhh, that really hurt!" he yelled holding on to his cheek "what!was!that!for!"

"uhh, no time to answer!"

"what do you mean "no time to answer" there is!"


"get a hold of your self man!we have to get sally and get the hell out of here" I have to say smacking him really is fun.

Jeff's POV

BEN and I went upstairs to get sally, but the weird thing was she was talking to somebody? "you look so lovely in that" she said "would you like one lump or two lumps?" I tryed opening the door but then remembered it was locked "sally open the door!" I yelled. we heard a voice from the inside but couldn't hear what it was saying. I'm pretty sure I herd it before? sally wouldn't open it "sally! open the door now!" we both yelled, she still stood quiet, we kept kicking the door, finally, the door opened, nobody was there....what the?

BEN and I entered the room we looked at sally and she was staring at something "sally what is it?" BEN said sounding worried, the door shut behide us we terned around quickly to see a shadow it was coming out of the wall.

"what the hell!?" me and BEN backed away quickly along with sally "hello" it said "it's nice to see you again boys!" it started laughing insanely "wh-who are you?" BEN stutter "you mean you guys don't remember me?" it said in a fake sweet tone, it finally came fully out the wall, my jaw dropped a bit at the sight for who it was. shadow demand.(I couldn't think of any other names this one was the first to pop in my head)"whats rong boys?!are you scared or are you in shock?!"

"can we choose both?" I asked nervously

"ohh, its soo good to finally be free!!" she stretched out her arms and legs, then looked back at us "how have you guys been?how about you Jeffery? meet anyone NEW?" my heart dropped. how does she know about Emma...? everyone else doesn't know but Jane...but how did she know?! "jeff?what is she talking about?"

"you mean he didn't tell you guys? he's been dating a mortal."

"WHAT! jeff I-is this true?!" BEN asked, I put my head down to show it was true "yes" I whispered "it's true.but what do you want?!" she giggled and answered "it would be a shame, if she found out the person she was dating was the person who killed her parents"

"what do you mean!?"

"hehe, you mean you don't remember Jeffery?"

"remember what?!" I spat

"your the one that killed her parents!!" she yelled, thats right shadow demand is the one that keeps track of every single creepypasta kill how could I forget "don't you DARE  tell her!!!"

"catch me if you can!" she fazed back into the walls becoming a shadow once more, then disperse!

Emma's POV

the party wasn't that fun, I did mostly nothing but just whoch people dance or take shots.

when the party was over I finally spotted Jennifer coming out she was almost falling all over the place "Jennifer, please don't tell me your dronk!" she stumbled across me and I had to catch her "What I'm not *hic up* dronk" yup, she definitely is, where going to be in so much trouble.

~Time skip~

by the time we got home it was already 1am and Jennifer had passed out in the car, I gave her a little push on the arm to wake her up but she didn't, I thought might as well leave her so I did.

I unlocked the door and enter the house quietly, I tiptoed up the stairs into my  room that was a cross the hallway, I closed the door and flopped straight on to my bed not bothering to change into my p.j's , just as soon I was about to close my eyes, I herd my door creak open I thought it was my aunt who was mad "hello there" it wasn't my aunt.


so what did you guys think of this chapter?you know because with my made up one I just want to know in the comments and if it was good or not, now all I can say is follow, vote


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