Chapter 14

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I moved around in the bed, turning side to side. Something didn't  feel right.

I got out of the bed only to be greeted  by the cold air, I looked over to where Mack was but she was gone 'maybe she went to go use the bathroom' I thought. I got up from the bed and walked outside of the room. When I passed by the bathroom I saw the lights wernt on and the door was wide open. I countie walking through the dark hallway in till I came up to the stairs, I looked down the stairs hoping to see the lights from the kitchen on...they wernt on.

"where is she?" I said to myself. I walked to Jennifer's room and cracked open the door a little but before I could peek in I heard something quickly run passed me. I turned around scared, I could of even sworn my heart stopped beating for at least a second. I walked over to the direction I heard the person run to, when I did I stepped in something "what the?" I said "what the hell is this?" I turned back around to turn on the hallway light.

"oh my gosh!!" I held my stomach tightly trying to hold back my vomit, but the sight before me was to much to even look away from.

A trail of blood leading to my aunt and uncle's with the door cracked open as I continued walking to the room I stopped for a second my heart skipping a beat as my hand reached out to the door nob. Using all my strength left in me I opened the door and turned the lights quickly on.

I fell to my knees letting go the vomit I had tryed to hold back.

"" I repeated the words "its that day all over again"

Dead corpes of my family was all I can see, the memories of my parents came back into my mind...the fear in my mother and farther's eyes were the same for my now dead family. 'its not...real...its not!!'

My heart ponding out of my chest, tears began trickling down my face, I covered my mouth muffling the sounds.


my head shot up immediately. I know that voice from anywhere


it called out again. It called my name one last time before I saw a white dot


I shot up from the bed immediately,  my heart skipping a beat my breathing a little shallow sweat trickling down my face

" was...just a dream?!" I whispered happily. I looked around the room, it was still dark except for the light of the moon that was shining over throw half of the bed room. I laid back down, but, I was to scared to go back to sleep

I'm in love with a killer (Jeff the killer fan fiction romance)Where stories live. Discover now