chapter 13

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A few months have past since I seen Jeff, but sometimes it still feels as if though he's near me...I know iknow it's crazy but its true, normally I don't really feel like this, but I guess I'm already used to this.

I kept moving alot in my bed, I don't know why but I just dont feel comfortable sleeping in my bed...weird.

I opened my eyes, everything looked weired at first so I waited till my eyes adjusted to the darkness. I pulled the blankets off of me shivering at the cold air hitting my skin. I got off my bed and tiptoed to my bedroom door, I opened the door slightly making sure it didn't make that annoying sweak sound. I sighed happily to myself, glad that it didn't.

I opened the door more and walked down the hall to Mack's room, I opened the door slightly "yes, she's still awake" I whispered happily to myself, I opened the door fully a little surprising Mack at my presence.

"Hey Mack" I said awkwardly

"Hey Emma, how come you're still up? its almost 1 in the morning"

I looked down at the floor embarrassed for what I was about to ask...I never thought I would say these words again

"is it ok...if I can sleep with you in your bed?" I blushed a little embarrassed: I sounded like a little kid when there to scared to sleep by them selves...never really thought I would say those words again. Mack smiled at my question "sure".

I smiled and hopped into her bed with her.

"Funny" Mack said "you haven't bothered to sleep with me ever since you turned 14" she laughed. I giggled a little for it was true.

"I guess it has been a while"

"you think so? It still feels like as if it was yesterday" we laughed some more in till the room became silence

"I miss them so much" I admitted braking the silence between us. Mack looked at me's very rare of me to talk about my parents, Jeff was the only person I talked about it to the most.

"Emma?" Mack said worrying. she sat up to get a better view of me. I held my hands up to my face, trying my best to hold back my tears 'come on Emma no more crying! No more! its time you let them out! Just do it!!' I kept telling myself. I listened and just released my tears. Mack was surprised and held me close to her as I just held tightly on to her, letting go all the tears I had: from the death of my parents to finding out the man I loved was the hole reason why I was in this situation.

Jeff's POV

Just by seeing her cry from a distance still makes me feel sad...I hate myself already.

I sat up from the tree I was on to look at Emma and jumped down landing on my feat. I walked away from Emma's house I didn't want to see anymore sadness in her eyes...maybe some killing would help

~little time skip~

"NOOO!! PLEASE NO I'LL DO ANYTHING!!! PLEASE I DON'T WANNA DIE!!!" tears dripped down the women's face as I held my knife up to her throat "PLEASE, I BEG YOU, PLEASE!?!?!?!"

"sorry lady. But I think its time you Go.To.Sleep" as I said those last words I slid my knife against the soft flesh, whoching as the blood oweses out, squirting everywhere as it hits my face staining my sweater as of the walls too and hitting her now dead campaigns.

I dragged there body's into a room covering in smiles like mine and using there blood to print on the now stained walls 'Jeff was here'. I heard sirens and chuckled to myself "right on time" I run to the nearest window and jump out running into the woods not bothering to look back in till I was far enough.

I turned to look and like always, the cops are pissed. My smiled twiched a bit and then a thought shot up to my head...yeah, maybe I'll do that

~another small time skip~

I opened up the window to her bedroom and looked around to make sure they were still a sleep. I walked over to her and chuckled a little, she looked so cute hugging her cousin's pillow. I nelt down to be as the same level as her, I moved peace of her hair out of her face and moved closer to her, my lips hovered over hers as I kissed her softly on the lips not trying to wake her up, she smiled softly making me feel happy again to see her smile like that, I moved to her ear and whispered-

"I miss you so much, baby~"

to be countie

Heey I'm back, and I'm quite happy to see how many reads I got on this book, I'm really sorry I haven't been updating guys I had writers block and now I just have all these ideas poping in my head. And guess what my birthday's next month on the 18 of Aug :D I know I know probably not that big of a deal but I'm so hyped. I hope you guys like this chapter because its like 3 something in the morning and I should be getting to sleep now. OH! And one more thing I'm going to do a little editing on some of the chapters just letting you guys know ^-^ see you guys later

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