Chapter 12

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The next morning 

Third pov

As everyone was asleep an announcement was made "To All passengers we are ready to land" soon the blimp began to lower itself to the ground with a loud thud it had landed there stood in the middle of nowhere was a robot "you are here at the shrewdness tower or trick tower,here the third trial we begin within a 72 time limit you'll need to get to the bottom of the tower alive" the robot had explained to everyone.

Natsumi pov

The gang and I had looked around nothing was there it was just the top of the tower suddenly our attention was directed to a man who was about to climb down from the walls he began and soon was eaten alive by a mutant bird he where circling the tower below l walked around and noticed more and more people where gone ? how? when? "killua-sama" "what is it Natsumi?" "there are trap doors leading to the bottom l saw a few jumping down lets find some doors" l said "hm yeah" killua-sama replied and went to tell gon as l went to tell leorio and kurapika "l found one" kurapika said "me too" killua-sama and gon said "me three" leoiro said "naomi-chan?"asked gon "ah yeah l found one" "ok so on the count of three we all jump" Gon said "1" "2" "3" "GO" every had jumped in falling to the ground l had landed on my feet l looked around no one in sight "where are they? Killua-sama" l was worried, walking around the room l was touching the walls when "tac" l smirked and pushed it and was sucked in feeling a huge gust of wind and sand l covered my self with my cloak.........

On the other side of trick tower 

Killua pov 

Gon and l walked around the room waiting for the last person to come in and then we could continue our way through trick tower when we all heard a "tac" "who's there" yelled leorio everyone got into a fighting stance and waited suddenly the wall next to me disappeared and a person flew in covered in a dark black cloak it reveled itself "killua-sama?" "Natsumi?" the person and l asked "killua-sama" she singed in relif naomi took of her cloak to revel that she had changed her cloths and wore a  white long sleeve with a dak blue vest, a dark blue skirt with black knee high socks and her black combat boots slightly shorter then her socks with a gold belt on her waist and dangling of that belt was a black katana engraved with sliver vines all over the handle and its cover and a magic book the cover was a rich brown and was engraved with sliver vines as well,l blushed at Natsumi revled milky thighs befor turning away hinding my blush "Ehhh Natsumi-chan you changed clothes?" asked gon bluntly l sweat dropped and kurapika whacked his head "Gon you don't ask a lady that" kurapika said scolding him "ah hahaha yeah" Natsumi said standing their somehow she had used her magic to strick our backpack and had it stored somewhere.

Third pov 

The group looked around the room and saw a srand with 5 watch's on it gon and killua went forward when 'THUD' someone came tumbling down and landed on gon "owww it's heavy" gon managed to cough out "ehhh" "it's you" "ah fatty" tompa had landed on gon "ehhh how are you guys" tompa rubbed his head nervously, the group soon had set off,every time they had arrived at a question tompa would have accidental press the wrong button the group soon arrived at a small passage way when they had chosen X or O naomi went first and killua soon followed they walked for about 10 min when the end had stopped,it was a room or more of a plant form in the middle and everywhere else was gone 2 sticks in fire where placed on the platform and an identical passage way was on the opposite of the group,footsteps could be heard "look" killua said everyone looked where killua pointed people in dark clocks came in chained,tompa had went first but he had tricked us and just surrened, gon went next with a candle user and won by his speed, after gon kurapika had went and was angered hitting his oppent,leorio went after and was had gained an advantage at first but eventual lost,killua finally went and had killed his oppent, everyone but Natsumi was shocked "fufufuf good job killua!" Natsumi praised him "hmm but it's not as good as 'his'" kilua said stressing out the s "Hm...where dose he come from?" leorio looking shocked  "ah it's true you didn't know?" said gon and kurapika "What!? Killua is the elite of an assassin family?" leorio yelled Natsumi was the final one "hehehehe name's Jonney i got in here because i had assaulted 6 boys and raped 5 girls" jonney said staring at Natsumi or more like her thigh's  "that's disgusting" Natsumi said noticing him starring "hehehe come here pretty girl" jonney said charging at her trying to grap Natsumi, Natsumi had jumped away and pulled ou her katana landing on the ground she pulled into a stance legs bend-ed slightly slanted her katana in her hands she ran and swung hitting her mark which was jonney's head she pulled down and had splited him in half blood had splatted everywhere but Natsumi "Where did she come from??" tompa said looking scared "The same family as me" killua answered looking at Natsumi in awe "she's so pretty" he whispered "ehh she's an assassin too?" leorio  asked shocked, Natsumi came back and soon the group was off,trapped in a room,trying to kill each other th group finally made it out too find they had too get someone's tag number........

The next day 

Everyone was split up "ne Natsumi" killua said "yeah?" Natsumi said looking at killua as they walked around the forset "will you be with me forever?" killua asked "forever? hmm then you gotta marry me then" Natsumi said cheekily "divewivow" killua started blushing madly "ah show yourself" Natsumi called out  "you're wasting your time" killua called out after cooling down from his spaz attack  the three brother's came out and circled around killua and Natsumi, killua smiled and ran up a tree "above?" one of the brother's exclaimed, killua was then seen behind the middle brother "don;t move my finger's are sharper then a knife's" killua said as he pressed his finger near the brother's throat "ah got it killua" natsumi said as she came forward from the oldest brother "let's go" killua said as he gave Natsumi target plate to her "thanks" Natsumi said 

~ok sooo im gonna skip to where killua gose back to his home and yeah....~


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