Chapter 4-Metting the gang

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Third pov

"Ahh lets go say hi" said the boy in green running to Natsumi "hey w-w-wait" yelled the man in the suit folliwing the little boy  "Don't go running off Gon!" yelled the boy in traditional clothing running after both of them

Natsumi pov 

l was amused to see the three running at me even though the air was full of murderous tension "Hi my name is gon" said the boy in green grinning at me "hey *pant Gon *pant wait up" said the man in the suit he looked at me and straightened up "hello my name is leorio" the man said before smiling "and my name is Kurapika" said the other boy "ohhh ohh mee mee my name is Gon Frecess" "Ah hmm my name is Natsumi" l said in a monotone voice "No last name?" Gon said cutely "umm l guess you could say Zoldyack?" l said making it a question 


"Now now naomi you are practically family"said mistress and master smiling and laughing while we were walking to the training grounds........

~~~~~~~Flashback Ended~~~~~~

"you guess?" asked Kurapika asked "yea l said" and we just stood there awkwadly

Third pov

While the four were talking a man in a purple suit with no mouth suddenly walked out of no where "Here l am.The time for the reception is over Now the exam can begin" he said, The man in purple walked over to dark tunnel that just appeared and began walking everyone was looking at each other then began following the examiner "well we'll began with a short verification it's an very difficult exam and you can end up injured or even dead so keep close" the man said walking ...

Killua pov

"where is she???? Natsumi where the heck are you??

Natsumi pov 

The three Males and l started following the man with the others when l noticed that the man in purple started to skip-run making us all run "oh l forgot to say my name is satotsu and l'm in charge of the first round,so l must lead you to the place of the second round" "EHHHHH" everyone said "so the first exam is already began?" asked bald ninja "yes it has already began" satotsu "fushh" was the sound of blades rolling down l turned around to see killua rolling down and skating near me "hey kid that's cheating" yelled leorio "why?" asked killua "why? cause this is an Endurance test !" yelled leorio "your wrong,the man just asked us to follow him didn't he ?"asked gon "Gon! which side are you on?" screamed Leorio "you should converse your energy,you're just noisy right now so....." said Kurapika  "...." killua was silent he slightly turned around and spotted gon "tell me how old are you?" asked killua gon pointed to himself and then answered "l'm almost 12" "hmm ....Just like me" said killua "ne ne Natsumi what about you?"   "hmm l'm 12 now turning 13 in a year" l said thinking "finally l'm also gonna run" killua said flipping his skateboard,catching it he began running "COOL! l'm gon!" gon said smiling "l'm killua" the said boy answered "And you mister?" asked killua "mister" hey oi l'm not that old l'm in the same generations as you guys" leorio screamed/yelled "EHHHHH ARE YOU SURE" the three kids yelled (Natsumi,killua,gon) "argh gon its finished l'm never going to talk to you again the four minus leorio started running faster seeing as they were about to be left behind ......

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