A car drive to remember (Chapter 3)

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So I’m going to keep going with this because you know…. Why not? Right? May be short though because I gotta study for dang exams! -.- shoot me!

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Chapter 3

“You sure you don’t want a bite?” He said offering his ice cream to me.

“100 percent don’t want any.” I said monotone.

 I could feel his eyes on me and it was starting to get extremely uncomfortable. This wasn’t the first time he stared at me very intently. And I was pretty sure I was about to blow a fuse.

“Do you want to stop staring at me?” I said while looking at him from the side without moving my head.

“Oh sorry, it’s just that… umm, uh, you know what? Never mind. It doesn’t matter anyways.”

“You know you can’t do that right? You were just bout to say something then you decided not to, that’s not right. You can’t leave me hanging like that. So just go on, tell me. It’s bugging me.” I told him

“You want to know? You actually want to hear what I have to say?”

“Umm isn’t that what I just said?”

“Okay. Can I ask you a question that you promise to answer?”

“Depends. But shoot.”

“What happened with you and that guy back at the party? Do you know him or something? It’s bothering me, I can’t figure it out.”

 I sat there awkwardly, just staring out the front window. I wasn’t sure how or if I wanted to answer this question! It was such a big impact in my life. He was. And that to this day still bothers me, how I will always remember, not physically but emotionally. I never told anyone about this except my mother of course. Carrie doesn’t even know. She always thought me and him were the definition of “perfect”. She still does think that. But I deny it and make a big fuss when she says it.

 I could see that he noticed my awkward-ness. So I tried to hide it, but I doubt that worked. I’m horrible at covering stuff up.

 “You don’t have to answer that if you don’t want to.”

  I looked over at him and saw him looking at me in the eyes. Felt like he was looking into my soul. Creepy.

 “No, I think you deserve an answer. At least because you helped me out when no one else did. Uhmm, It started after a month of dating.”

“Oh so he’s you’re boyfriend?”

“Was! Was, my boyfriend, sadly. Any ways, after a month of dating, he started to get more angry and just generally got mad at me for anything I did. If I didn’t cook anything for him right or if I didn’t dress a certain way if we went out. That point it was just yelling. But then after, let see, a month? He started to not only get verbally abusive but also physically. To the point where it would leave bruising and cuts.”

I looked over at him to make sure he was on the same track as me. I’m pretty sure he was by his face. He looked pretty disturbed.

 “You’re shitting me right?”

 “No, I’m telling you the absolute truth. So, by time passed on, he wanted to you know? Have sex. And of course I said no. So that’s when he got really mad and, umm…….. Yea.” I couldn’t finish.

“You alright?”

“Um, yea. I’m fine” I say as a tear slips down my cheek.

 I tried wiping it away before he saw because I don’t like to cry in front of people. I think it makes me look weak. And I’m not weak. Before I knew it I could feel the car being pulled over.

 “Woah, woah. You are NOT okay.” He said while touching my shoulder.

 “I’m fine” I said not looking at him.

“You’re anything but fine. Hey, hey! Look at me.” He grabbed my face gently with both hands on either side of my cheek.

 “What?” I said looking at him with glossy eyes

“You need to forget that dick! You can’t let him get to you. No man, no real man would or should never treat a beautiful, wonderful woman like yourself. You hear me? I for sure wouldn’t treat yo- any women like that! So don’t remind yourself of him. Because he’s an ass, who doesn’t deserve you or anyone when treating someone like that! So forget him!”

 I looked at him astonished, surprised really! I wasn’t expecting him to say that or anything at the least. I just stared at him. I had nothing else to do, but stare.

“What? Sorry was that too much? It’s just that whole issue bugs me a lot!” he rambled while moving his hand fast and nervously.

I grabbed his hands and held them. He stopped and looked at me sympathetic. Just the two of us in that car.

 “Thank you. That’s the best thing you could have said. I appreciate it very much Brayden. Didn’t say one thing wrong” I said with a small side grin.

 “Really? Thanks. And no problem angel.”

He turned to the side and started the engine.

 “Wanna go to see a movie or something? Get our minds off stuff?”

 “Sure! Anything BUT a chick flick though!”


And with that off we went.

Off I went with someone, a real man. A man I wish I met a while ago.

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