Texts and parks (chapter 8)

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Sorry it's been a while! School and sports are keeping me a busy chicky! But anyways here we go ! :)

- E


Brayden's P.O.V

Yesterday, after I got home, i felt terrible about how things ended the nice day we were having. I couldn't stop thinking about Elle. I knew it wasn't just my fault though. It takes two to tango, and man did we tango with our emotions. I tried calling and texting her, but I got no reply after and hour so I gave up. Today I decided to just lay low and be lazy. Not like I don't do that everyday but you know..... Why not eh?

By the time I picked something to watch on tv, which was transformers by the way, It was 2pm. I heard a text message come through about 2 minutes ago but decided to ignore it. About 10 minutes later it vibrated again.

"Man am I ever popular today! Two texts in the past 15 minutes?" Laughing at myself I pick the phone up and unlocked it.


Text message from Elizabeth


- I think we need to talk Brayden.-


Okay, I'm so not in the mood. I put my phone down and after another 3 minutes it vibrated once more.

Text message from Elizabeth


-Fine if you don't want to talk, that's fine. But if we don't talk now, I don't think I'm going to be down to talk anytime soon. If you can't communicate with a friend, then how are we suppost too even have a friendship bray? I'll be at the park at 3:30. With or without you. Your choice. -


Okay so maybe Elizabeth needs to hear from me. I'm just not that guy who likes to talk about their emotions. I surly don't know what guys she hangs out with, but don't look at me when you want to have a heart to heart. Not happening. But I'll go for Elle. I need to if I want a friendship with her.


Elizabeth's P.O.V

He's either going to blow it or show it. I'm kinda pissed how he pulled that crap the other day. I didn't know he has so much emotion bottled up inside of him. I don't even know if he has anyone to talk to. I need to have a one on one with him just to sort things out. Friends talk to friends. At least I think we're friends. I hope we're friends.

I get dressed and all that jazz and head out the door. I decided to walk to the park, because I'm going to put my music in and pretend I'm in a dramatic movie. I like the effect if ya know what I mean, ahaha. I sit in the middle of the park by the climber with all the children and wait. I didn't tell him where i was going to be because I want him to find me and atleast make an effort since I have a feeling I'm going to be the one doing the talking. It was chilly out, which was weird because it was summer but I went alone with the crazy weather and wore a beanie that I thought was cute. I thought I looked kinda pretty today. I waited 20 minutes with hope. But waiting another 20 minutes kinda killed that little part of hope inside me. Just as I was getting up making "are you kidding me" and " I knew it" noises, I heard footsteps behind me.

"Hey, I hope you're not to pissed off. But I stopped by Starbucks and got some coffee because it's chilly out. That's why I'm late." He said with his typical handsome, sheepish grin of his.

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