Its Different (Chapter 12)

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I'm so sorry that it's been a long time since I updated! But I hope everyone had a great Easter! Sorry If this is short or has spelling mistakes!
- E
Elizabeth's P.O.V:

I don't know how Braydon keeps his composer so well. With all the troubles he has in life, he's pretty level headed. I guess you never know what kind of struggles people have in their life by just looking at them. I never thought that Brayden's life was like this. I don't know how he can live with all the stress and crap. He's brave.

We decided that we'd head back to my place just so he could cool off and so I wouldn't have to worry about him doing anything crazy or illegal. It's not a good idea to leave anyone who's going thorough a hard time, walking along the streets alone, not knowing how their emotions could take a tole.

We got to my house after about a 15 minute walk. It was a nice day out so it wasn't bad. We walked in silence most of the way, except when I would get a "yes" or "no" or even a grunt or shrug reply to one of my questions. But that's okay. As long as he's willing to talk.

"Here we are. My lovely home! I'd recommend you close your eyes though, it's kind of messy."

"It's fine." He said bluntly.

I unlocked the door and we stepped in. All I could smell was some roast beef being cooked and a women singing and dancing horribly to the beat of the radio in the kitchen. I looked over at Brayden and I could see a small smile forming.

"Smells good. That your mom jamming out in the kitchen?" He said.

"Yup, the one and only. I'm warning you already that she's a little crazy. But in a good way." I responded.

We headed into the kitchen with me leading and Brayden following.

"Hey Eliza- oh um hi there! I'm Laurie! And you must be..."

"Brayden. It's a pleasure to meet you." He stuck his hand out introducing himself.

"Well we're going to go downstairs. We'll see ya later ma!" I said quickly and grabbed Brayden's wrist while racing down the stairs before she could do something humiliating. And trust me, she would.

My basement wasn't huge but it wasn't small. We had a big sectional that could fit about maybe 7 or 8 people and our walls were painted a dark blue. It was pretty cozy to say the least.

We sat down next to each other and I switched on the tv. I found storage wars playing.

"Yes! I love this show!"
"Me too!" I said

He looked over and grinned at me.

"You seem to be in a better mood now. That's good!"

"Yea, I guess i just had a little break down. I swear that doesn't happen often. It just hit me I guess. But I like chilling with you. You seem to relax me. I don't think about things when I'm with you and I like it." He grinned

"Yea, I like hanging with you too. It's nice. It's different."

"Different? What do you mean?"

"I don't know. I just get this different feeling than I do when I hang with other people." I smiled over at him.

"I know what you mean Elle. I have that feeling too."

We kept watching tv for a good hour and we got through 2 episodes that either of us haven't seen. It was peaceful with his presence around. I liked it.

I could feel Brayden's eyes looking at me for a good several seconds before he started talking.

"Hey El, can I ask you something? "

"Ya of course"

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