Entry Twenty-One

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Entry Twenty-One:

Im going to elaborate on my previous entry, You won't believe this.

Eleanor said they needed to take it slow for a while because she thought of me as a threat! Me! Harry Styles! A threat to Eleanor and Louis's relationship! What??

This is so awesome. So freaking awesome. I am mentally (and literally) high-fiving myself right now.

This is all perfect! Y'know, except for Louis. He's totally crushed. He's been watching sappy chick-flicks with a carton of Ben & Jerry's at his side for like an entire day and a half. Nothing I say makes him feel better and he hasn't told me anything more about it than what I said above.

It's definitely not the time to go off on a trip to my mum's out of the blue.

He's really vulnerable right now. Maybe it's a good idea to grab a quick cuddle?

I know I wouldn't mind a snuggle with my boo. :)

-Harry xxxx

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