Chapter 13- Dazzled

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Chapter 13: Dazzled

We walk arm in arm, the warm air surrounding us in a seemingly tangible embrace. After a moment I feel Harry slide his arm from mine, his fingers interlacing through mine. I look up to him, heat creeping into my cheeks when I see he's already looking back at me. "Where are we going?" I ask curiously. He smiles and shakes his head, turning his eyes forward.

My bottom lip juts out, my brow furrowing. He chuckles at my reaction, turning to face forward. I walk silently, my eyes straining as I try to watch him out of the corner of my eyes. Part of my mind is telling me to look forwards so I don't trip. Another part of my mind wants to reach over and kiss him; to feel his soft lips press against mine and his hands clasp at the small of my back. The other part of my mind is telling me to just walk and watch him discretely. I begrudgingly choose the latter.

So I study his eyes. They shine a bright, olive green, gleaming on occasion as the setting sun catches the slivers of emerald. My eyes wander over his face and I notice his dimples are unusually deep. But somehow, it fits him. His pink, heart shaped lips glisten wetly as he brings his full bottom lip between his teeth. The corner of his mouth pulls up in a crooked smirk, his dimples becoming impossibly deeper. I finally look back to his eyes, feeling my heart flutter when they're already meeting mine. He'd caught me staring.

Red flushes into my cheeks as I look back down, my lips burning as I fight an embarrassed smile. Harry's long fingers close around mine tighter and again, my cheeks grow warm. "Enjoying the view?" He murmurs as I feel his eyes on me. "Shut up." My voice comes out in a ditzy stream of giggles. I push against his broad shoulder, feeling embarrassment flood from my face to my whole body as he doesn't even budge.

Harry chuckles again, pulling me to a stop as my eyes slowly wander to his face again. He grins cheekily and again I feel my heart flutter so lightly it feels on the verge of stopping. I force my eyes to shut, sighing deeply as my brows furrow together. There's a long pause before Harry asks quietly "Are you mad at me..?" I nod without a word and there's another pause. "What did I do this time?" He says slowly. I push my bottom lip out again.

"I hate it. You look at me and I'm practically going into cardiac arrest. But nothing I seem to do has the same effect." I open my eyes, trying to keep my expression the same as he stares at me in confusion. "I.. dazzle you?" He asks, bewildered. I nod once, pulling his hand up to press on the side of my neck. He raises his eyebrow a little, his mouth parting in an o as he feels my pulse faintly against the palm of his hand. He pulls his plump lip between his teeth again, gnawing on the edge in thought.

A smile crosses his lips as he steps closer, his other hand moving towards my face. His long fingers curl in lazily, the back of his knuckles lightly brushing across my cheek. My breath catches in my throat, seeming to solidify there as my breathing stops. Harrys smile widens in response as he feels my heart quicken.

"That's enough of that now." I laugh nervously, pushing his hands away, a bit of frustration building up. He frowns, his hand catching mine. "It's not just you, Diana." I sigh, looking back to his face. He smirks, shaking his head. "Diana, you have no clue of the effect you have on me."

His hand leads mine up to his chest as he presses my palm flat against the thin material of his shirt. I watch his face, calm and collected. But he's right. Like mine, his heart betrays him. It pauses for a moment under my hand as his eyes continue to follow mine. I readily lunge at the opportunity, stepping closer as if curious.

My hand reaches up to cup his cheek, giddiness bubbling in my chest as I feel his heart quicken. His hands still lay at his side, his face amused but calm. I stand on my toes, both of our hearts fluttering in response as my lips close the distance, less than an inch away.

"Diana." He breathes. My eyes flicker up to his to see him watching me in an almost troubled way, debating. His green eyes flicker down towards my lips as he mutters "I keep trying to stay away from you.. But I can't.." I swallow hard, slowly looking down to his plump lips as he brings his tongue across them nervously. A shiver creeps down my spine and it takes everything in me to keep my knees from buckling as I hear that wonderful voice mumble, his lips brushing mine "You are my drug.."

But before either of us know it, there's a bright light on us and a blaring horn. We both jump apart, glancing at the car honking at us. We'd stopped in someone's driveway. Harry laughs, taking my hand again to pull me along. I give a weak and shaky laugh, fighting to shake off the thrill of the moment we'd shared seconds ago. Once again, it was silent.

I don't feel the urge to look at him any more. I just silently gloat to myself that I could daze Harry. He was no better than I was. He was just better at hiding it. A smile tugs at the corners of my lips and my hand tightens on his.

When I look at him I couldn't help but get lost in fantasies. I don't know exactly what it is. It could easily be his voice, low and gravelly. How I could feel it rumble his chest and how it could seem so dark and intimidating, but it could speak the most gentle and kind words. It may be his strong jaw that seemed to be made of marble or his towering build that makes me feel like a child.

The pinkness of his full lips and how he occasionally runs his tongue over them swiftly without thinking about it. Maybe it's his perfect smooth skin or his awe-inspiring green eyes. I could go on forever about his dark hair that felt so good to run my fingers through. How every single time my fingers caught on a soft lock it inspired chills to run down my spine. It may be his prominent collarbones, or the way that his dark tattoos contrasted so strongly against his light torso.

The minutes pass by and eventually town lights are passing by us. I look up at Harry, his eyes focused on a bistro at the end of the street. A grin spreads across my face as we get closer. Green ivy creeps up the wall, each vine competing to reach the top of the faded brick building. Iron cast gates line the lot, intricate designs depicted in the dark metal.

Harry squeezes my hand, leading me through the glass doors. Cool air rushes to greet us and I can't help but shiver. Harrys arm wraps around my shoulders, pulling me into his warm side. My stomach jumps into my throat immediately as I look up at him. He's already watching me, smiling. As we approach the hostess desk, a woman with a sleek, dark ponytail rushes to greet us.

"Hello, welcome to The Plaisir, how may I help you this evening?" Harry clears his throat, glancing down at me before turning back to the young woman. He starts in a low voice, a smile playing at his lips "Yes, we'd like a table for two...?"

The young woman's eyes travel up from her papers to Harry and for the briefest second, her smile falters. Theres a long pause and I can already feel the awkwardness that I could practically reach out and grab. Harry gives her a crooked grin and I'm slightly relieved when her voice comes out slightly airy, I'm not just a pushover then. She's just as victim to him as I am. "Um.. Do you have reservations..sir..?"

Harrys arm on my waist stiffens. I glance up to his face to see it frozen for a moment in quiet panic. He quickly shakes his head and my eyes travel back to the dark haired young woman. I internally groan; she's already full flirt mode. A small and sugar sweet smile tugs at the corners of her lips, her head tilting to the side as she locks eyes with Harry for a moment.

Her light eyes flicker over me with an air of arrogance and I can practically see the satisfaction in her eyes as she notes my average appearance. Her icy eyes quickly return to Harry's as she bites the edge of her pink lip, smiling again.

Harry seems to notice, speaking up with a tone of affection that immediately sent comfort through me "Are there any tables left? I'd like a special place for beautiful my girlfriend and I." He throws in a smile at the end, dipping his head down to nuzzle his face into my hair as he pulls me closer. I fight back the ecstatic giggle that wants to bubble to my lips.

For a moment, the woman looks miffed. "Well, unfortunately.. All of our tables are taken.. Is there anything else I can do for you...?" I try not to notice the undertone of the different question she's asking. I also try not to notice the condescending glance she throws in my direction.

Harry stiffens, speaking up in a dry, irritated voice. "No I think I'll just go and make out with my girlfriend." And before she has time to react, he pulls me back towards the exit. I glance back at the awe-stricken girl, and I can't help it.

I stick my tongue out at her.

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