Chapter 23 - Family Time

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Chapter 23 - Family Time

I plop down into the leather recliner, the TV blaring Doctor Who as I examine my nails nervously. Alice sits on the couch to my left, curled into the corner. Thomas sits on the other end of the couch, arms folded as he watches the flickering movements of the characters on the screen.

"When is he getting here?" Alice questions, kicking her legs absentmindedly as she leans on the armrest.

"He's just coming over to hang out for a little bit. Please, do not say anything." I plead, looking at both of them. Alice grins, her perfectly rounded bottom lip catching between her teeth. Thomas simply gives a careless shrug.

Clayton's thudding footsteps walk into the living room, stopping behind the recliner I'm comfortably curled into. "I was sitting there." He states slowly, swirling his cup of chocolate milk in his hand. I tilt my head back to look at him, grinning shamelessly.

"And now I'm sitting here." I retort, watching his stoic face.

Suddenly the chair is tipping and I shriek when I'm abruptly dumped into the beanbag chair at the foot of the recliner. The chair squeaks as Clayton settles into it confidently, smirking down at me. "Jerk!" I stick my tongue out at him as I sink down into the beanbag, soft hissing in my ears as I'm enveloped by the denim material.

Movement flickers in the corner of my eye and I quickly look out the front window to see Harry walking up the endless driveway.

"He's here!" I burst out, sending startled gasps throughout the room. "Calm down." Clayton groans, nudging the back of my head with his foot. I quickly bat it away, struggling to get to my feet. The beanbag seems to have other ideas, practically sucking me back in and sending me down to the ground in a clumsy heap.

I hear Thomas snicker quietly and my cheeks immediately go red as I scramble to my feet. He's still laughing quietly as there a sharp knock on the door. I rush to open it, making a point to smack Thomas on my way.

When I swing the dark door open, Harry seems startled by my appearance. I don't blame him though. I can feel my hair is frizzed messily from my less than elegant tumble and I know my cheeks are still flushed, my gait clumsy. But he quickly recovers.

"Hi.." He says cheerfully, drawing out the word as usual. I quickly step out of his way, blushing deeper as I try in vain to press down the unruly hair. As soon as Harry walks in the doorway of the living room, I know it was a mistake to invite him over. I also know it wouldn't have hurt to double check the appearance of my family before letting Harry in.

Thomas is still sitting sideways on the couch, arms folded and legs sprawled out. Alice is curled into the corner, her legs swinging. Clayton is what makes it worst. I scold myself for not noticing before, but he has no shirt on, only gray and baggy sweats. He's casually sipping from a cup of chocolate milk so big that I would drown in it, and his long and gangly legs are hanging over the edge of the recliner as he kicks at the beanbag on the floor absentmindedly.

Clayton grins.

I gasp, quickly looking around to find something to cover my half naked brother. The first thing I find is Alice's jacket and I throw it at him quickly. He snorts as he lifts up the hot pink jacket that's most definitely too small.

"Come on in." Alice invites happily, unaware of our embarrassing older brother.

"We don't bite." Clayton says in his low southern drawl.

"Much." Adds Thomas with an impish grin.

It was nice having a boyfriend while it lasted.

I throw my hands up to cover my face that's no doubt redder than the butterflies on the jacket Clayton is struggling to zip up with an immature grin. Harry stands silently by my side before relaxing me when he lets out a loud laugh.

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