Hitman ( Victor Zsasz)

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You Y/N are sent out by an unknown person to hunt down and kill Gotham's best hitman Victor Zsasz. Picture of your outfit for this one shot.

You sat on a building across the street from Oswald's

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You sat on a building across the street from Oswald's. Patiently waiting for your next target to leave. For the past few weeks you had been watching Gotham's most infamous hitman Victor Zsasz. You had no idea who wanted Victor dead but who ever it was gave you a lot of money so you were in.

Victor walked out side and you shot the gun. The bullet missed his by mere millimeters. He had just moved from where you planned to shot. Your were not happy because you never missed a shot. Victor looked up and noticed you on the roof top. "If you want to kill me you have to do better then that," Victor shouted.

You climbed down the fire escape. Both of you were standing on opposite sides of the street watching each other. Victor had his hand on his gun and so did you. Ready to draw your weapons and kill the other. "If I'm going to kill you can we make this fun. Run away," he shouted.

"Oh Zsasz you should be running," you shouted. Victor started to walk across the street. You went to shoot Victor but you couldn't shoot him. He got closer and closer you wanted to kill him but you couldn't. Victor now stood just five feet away. You put your gun back into your holster, for now.

You brought out the hidden blade on your arm and strike at Victor. He jumped back before you could. You tried to strike again but missed again. Putting the blade back you went for hands on compact, just to get some moment going for you. You kneed Victor. He doubled over for a second. Quick to return to his standing position, you punched Victor right in his nose. A crack sound was heard. Signaling a broken nose. You went to kick Victor in the side but missed.  When you missed Victor had grabbed your foot. Dropping it you spun around ready to strike. Before you could strike again Victor had shoved you to the ground. 

Victor stood above you holding his gun toward you. "Usually I want to know the name of who I'm about to kill, so what is your name? Or at least let me see you face." Victor kneeled next to you and pulled off you masks. You had hit Victor during this time but he stopped you from doing it again. Once the masks were removed Victor looked at you and recognized who you were. "Ah some one paid the second best hitman to kill Gotham's best hitman. So Y/N who paid you?"       

"I'm never telling you Zsasz ." Jokes on Victor you didn't even know who wanted him dead. One thing you did now was that you hated Victor and his status over you. You wanted Victor dead, maybe even more then the one paying you. You moved your foot under his, tripping Victor. Pulling the gun out of your holster again you stood up and aimed the gun at Victor.

"Unlike you Victor I don't like to play with my kills. Or fight to now who you are." You paused to think for a moment. "I've taken a slight liking to you Zsasz so," You gave Victor a hand up," I won't kill you today. Who ever hired me will have to wait for your head."

Once Victor was standing you shoved him against the wall. Then taking your gun you hit Victor in the temple with the grip of the gun. "I wont kill you now but can't have you following me or anything like that. Till we meet again Zsasz." With that you left the best hitman in Gotham in the side of a road.    

A/N: Hi everyone I hope you enjoyed this one shot. I decided to write this for fun since I have tons of ideas for Gotham. If you want a one shot just let me know with a character(s) and an idea. I put the song Kill or Be Killed on here for fun since it kind of fit with the story. Hope you enjoy.

Who is your favorite Gotham character? Personally I like Ed and Oswald.

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