Jealousy (Edward Nygma)

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You are jealous of Edward's attention toward Kristen Kringle.

Since you began working for the GCPD you had gained some feelings for Ed. You tired to gain his attention but his attention stayed with Miss Kringle. You had tons of conversations with Ed, answered every riddle he asked, supported him when Kringle hurt him. What did you get friend zoned what did Miss Kringle get all of Ed's attention and a sweet riddle that she was to ignorant to solve.

You sat talking to Ed since neither of you had work to do. "So Miss Y/N your next riddle is Did you know that if you live within 5 miles of a cemetery you can't be buried there? Why," Ed asked. You were sitting on his desk while he stood up in front of you.

It took a moment for you to figure out. "If your alive you can't be buried," You shouted in triumph.

"Correct Miss Y/N. One of the only people who has any where near my intelligent. Congratulations on that." Internal you were blushing, Ed complimented you but you couldn't say anything about how much it meant to you.

"Thank you Ed." You two kept telling each other riddles trying to stump the other. Which was hard since neither of you wanted to admit defeat. So the riddles just kept coming for almost an hour. You were having the time of your life just you and Ed then Miss Kringle showed up all nicely dressed.

"Hi Ed I brought they files you asked for," She asked Ed without a singe acknowledgment toward you. Ed lost all knowledge of you being there with them. You coughed to show your existence. "Oh hi Y/N I didn't see you there." 'You don't notice much' you thought. 'The dead bodies on the table have a higher brain activity then you ever will.'

You put on a fake smile and said," It's fine Kristen. I was just leaving." You hopped off of the tale and left the room saying good-bye to Ed.

It was a few hours later and your shift was almost over Ed hadn't talked to you since you left him earlier. You had just clocked out when you saw Ed again. He seemed upset. "Ed what happened," You asked.

"Miss Kringle turned down my kind jester. It was a riddle. A cupcake with a bullet. It meant that a beautiful woman is a dangerous thing. Miss Kringle thought it was a waste. She in a relationship with an abusive man but won't let me help her. Why can't I have a person who cares for me as much as I do them," Ed said. That pushed you over the limit. 

You loved Ed and cared for him. Listened to everything Ed said to you. You were there for Ed when Miss Kringle was being rude.

Once Ed was better and calm he said a thank you and good bye. Then left the station. You had planned the revenge on Kristen in that time if comfort. So you rushed to Miss Kringle's apartment.

You arrived at Miss Kringle's apartment. The entire drive over your gip on the steering wheel caused your knuckles white. Before getting out of your car you tried to calm so you didn't kill Kristen tonight.

Once you were less angry at Miss Kringle you got up and walked to the door. Knocking on the door almost left a dent in the door. Miss Kringle opened the door. "Hi Y/N what are you doing here," she asked in her annoying voice.

You didn't respond instead you slapped Miss Kringle. She grabbed on to her check you slapped. "That's for all you've done to Ed." Slapping Miss Kringle made you feel better in a way. So you did it again. "You don't deserve any of Ed's attention. He is to good for you." By the end you were shouting at Miss Kringle. "I hate you Kristen."
Before you could do anything Kringle's boyfriend Officer Dougherty came up and pulled you off of Miss Kringle. "Let me go you idiot."

"Miss Y/N, Miss Kringle, Officer Dougherty what are you doing," Ed asked. Ed most of just showed up too.

"Keep this freak away from Kristen Riddle man," Officer Dougherty said pushing you away from him and Miss Kringle. Then they went inside, leaving you outside with Ed.

You went over and hugged Ed. "I'm sorry Ed I was jealous of how much attention Miss Kringle's got from you. Please forgive me Ed," you whispered in to Ed chest. You felt bad for how your jealousy got to you.

A/N: I don't know about any of you but I hated Kristen and Isabella. Can you believe the winter finally last night. So much happened last night.

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