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Tanner:I have an awesome idea!!!
Tanner:We should do the 1000 degree knife challenge!!
Jake:That's a good idea let's do it!!
Emma:Are you sure it seems kinda stupid and dumb.
Dillon:Emma's right guys it does sound kinda stupid.
Jake:Well do you have a better idea?
Emma:No,I guess not.
Jake:right so let's do this.
Tanner:Don't worrie everything is going to be fine.
Emma:ok if you say so.
We went back to Tanner's house with a knife Some lighters a stuffed animal doll and a red bull.
Tanner set up everything and started to film.he said "get guys guess what!I'm at Dillon's house with Dillon Jake and Emma and we are going to do the 1000 degree knife challenge we a have...
He keep on explaining it and giggling at me because I was druleing over him.I loved watching talk to the camera because no matter what he always sounds so much happier when he's doing what he loved with witch is vloging.
He bought something for everyone to cut besides Dillon because Dillon didn't want a single part in it.
Jake cut the stuffed animal first it looked really cool and he didn't even burn himself so I said that I would go next and I did.I cut the doll because Tanner wanted to cut the red bull.I cut the doll and it was really cool until about half way through it when it went up in flames and I burned my middle finger.Tanner asked what did I burn because I screamed and all I did was stick up my middle finger and said this one.We laughed then he kissed and we laughed so more.
When Tanner cut the red bull it burst into flames almost instantly he screamed and fell to the ground! When I asked what was wrong he showed me his hand and it looked like it was a huge 3rd degree burn I swarm because he was on in the ground ground in tears with a 3rd degree burn.
I started to cry to because I never want to him cry but when he dose I do to.
Well all of this is going on Dillon runs in and calls 911.
In under 5 minutes an ambulance shows up Tanner goes to the hospital.
His mom and us all go to the hospital.
In the car I say "its all my fault I shouldn't of let him do that I should have said no."Then Dillon huges me and says "it's not your fault it was no one's fault because no one knew what was going to happen." Dillon held me in his arms until we got to the hospital.
Tanner had a goz pad on his hand then the doctor walked in and said...

(Sorry for the cliff hanger but I couldn't help myself. In the next chapyet we find out if Tanner will be okay.)
Word count:485

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