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Emma's POV
We kissed and I went out to the car...

Emma:Why are you doing this to me?

Jenny:Because I dont like that boy

Emma:Why dont you like him he is funny,kind,cute,and polite.Thats the perfect guy

Jenny:If he was the perfect guy then he would have made sure that I new who he was.


Everyone was quite after that.
(Skip car ride home)

I storm down stairs to my room and slame the door.I then run to my bed and start to cry.Then I get a text...

(T-Tanner E-Emma)

T:Hey u ok?
E:No my mom is ruining my life
T:Not totally
E:What do u mean"not totally"
T:I mean we could still do something today
E:Like what???
TYou have a window in your room right?
E:Ya so?
T:U still dont no where im going with this😂
E:You dont mean I should sneek out do u?
T:No I mean open it up and let some oxygen go to your brain.(sarcasm)
E:Fuck off I get it now😂
T:kk Ill park down by the corner store by your house
E:Kk see you soon

I got a bag and put 3 days worth of clothes in it along with my phone charger and a hair brush in it.

I then took a piece of paper and wrote

Sorry I'm not the daughter you wanted me to be but me and Tanner are leaving we will be back in a week dont call the police or try to contact me.This is my way of seeing if I can trust you.I will call you if anything happens but dont try to cantact me because I wont answer.
Love you,

I grabed my bag and put the note on my bed.Then I started to crawl though my window.
As I was crawling through my window I heared my door open and I looked back to see my...

Sorry for the cliff hanger!!!
Word count:331

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