First of all honey, both of these things are very wrong.
Racism is ignorant just like homophobia is ignorant.
Stop both. It ain't cute. Being both just makes you a less likable person.
The boys at my school are both. Some black people have this idea that they can't be racist because they're mostly targeted.
Targeting another race isn't funny, calling someone a cracker isn't about to make you feel better. Calling someone a faggot isn't making you happier.
Constantly bashing someone because they're proud isn't making you attractive.
Constantly pointing and laughing at someone because of their high or low levels of melanin is not paying your bills.
Racism is learned and taught. So is homophobia. It's starts from the roots of the tree not from the core of the apple.
If you're taught to hate, you'll hate. Teach kids while they're young that life is about love and not hate and grudges.
Come together as one to fight for what's right instead of fighting each other. Unite as one, tall, short, black, white, asian, latino, european, Australian, Christian, Jewish, Atheist, et cetera.
Stop hating each other because you were taught to hate each other.
bitches b lyke (black/gay rants)
Randomyou can hate what I am, but please respect who I am.