Day 6: A stranger

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Dear Person Sitting Next to Me In Class That I've Never Talked To in My Entire Life,

Hi! Your shirt is very red. Uhmmm...I really don't know what to write, considering that I legitimately don't know anything about you...well other than the fact that your shirt is red, you're wearing jeans, and you seem to be ignoring the packet that we're supposed to be doing.

You seem like a cool enough person...well, from what I can tell, at least.

Yeah. This is really awkward. I legitimately have no idiea what to write. you like unicorns...? No? Just me? Okay....that's awkward.

I'm using the word awkward a lot. But I happen to think its a very nice word and it describes the situation accurately. Awkward. Awkward. Awkward.

I'm just rambling on and on about randomness now. Is anyone even reading this? I didn't think so. If by any chance someone is reading this....why? I would have stopped reading by now. Maybe you find my lack of skill and tact amusing. If that's the case then I resent that. I'm sticking my tongue out at you right now, even though you can't see it. Clearly I'm just skilled like that.

What was I talking about before I got onto this tangent? Oh right, the fact that I'm awkward. Well, yeah. I am. I'm just going to go hide in a corner and cuddle with my teddybear. You jealous? Yeah. I bet you are. Except I'm in school so I don't actually have my teddybear and now I'm sad. See what you did!?!?! Gosh darn you, person in the red shirt! You've made me miss my teddybear!

Whoever came up with this challenge should seriously re-think this part. I mean, really? Write a letter to a stranger? How the hell am I supposed to write a letter to someone I don't know!?!

Alright. Well I'm just going to shut up now. Even though I can't do that. Because I'm typting. Not talking. And here I go again, rambling on and on about nothing.

Oh hey, look! It's a flying ninja squirrel riding on a rainbow unicorn of happiness traveling to Narnia with Jack Sparrow and Murtagh to go to Mt. Doom with Frodo and Sam and destroy the One Ring in the magical Fruit Loop fountains of wonder, but to get to those you have to take a ride on a rocketship and go to Pluto (which is STILL a planet) where you'll fall down the rabbit hole and get to wonderland, where you'll just follow the second star to the right and go straight on 'till morning...then get a taxi and you'll be in Narnia.

Does your brain hurt yet? I hope it does.

Alrighty. I'm actually going to go now. Bye.


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