Day 24: The Person That Gave You Your Favourite Memory

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Dear MJ,

You didn't necessarily give me my favorite memory, but you made all my favorite memories possible. You run camp Aloha. That place has been my home for the past 5 years. Every time I'm there, I feel so at peace. It's the one place that I can truly be myself without being judged or mocked. It's the one place where I truly feel at home.

I remember MJ's Mayhem...that was the craziest day ever...with the party boats, insane amount of sugary stuff that we all ended up eating, tanning, and all the other random was one of my favorite times this year. Sundae night is always a classic. All Aloha night wouldn't have been possible without you. You kept me strong. You helped me get my club pin despite my being injured and having my arm in a sling for most of the summer. You were always there when any campers needed you. You selected me to be a Pantry Pet, which was a great summer job and definitely gave me more respect for anyone in the restaurant business. You went out of your way to make sure that this was the greatest summer ever, and it truly was.

Every single year, I don't cry at the beginning of camp like all the other girls who miss their parents. Instead, I cry at the end of the summer because I don't want to leave. I don't want to leave my home. It kills me to know that I can't go back to camp this year. But things just didn't work. I need to find a job and start earning money for college.

I hope that everything goes well and that this summer will be another greatest summer ever.



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