Chapter 2

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(Y/n)'s POV

~The next day~

I woke up to find that Flare was gone. Instead, there was a note. It read: I've gone with Luka and Sodom to check on Yuki. ~Flare. Luckily she wasn't taken by them. I decided to go see them. It had been a long time since I last saw Yuki. I wonder if he would recognise Luka. I mean, he was her lover and he did save 'him' from getting crushed by a truck.

I went there within a few minutes and immediately saw Toko and Tsukumo. They noticed me staring at them and glared at me. I sighed and went around to look for the others. They weren't here anymore, I couldn't sense them. Where could they be?

"Um, excuse me?" I turned around and came face to face with Yuki. What was I supposed to do?! He wasn't supposed to know who I was...
"You seem troubled, did something happen?" he asked with concern. This felt different. Oh yeah, that's right. He didn't remember anything.
"No, I was just looking for someone." He was about to touch me but thought better of it and dropped his arm.
"Are you wondering about this?" I gestured to my cherry blossom. He nodded.
"It's just something I made." I wasn't sure if I was supposed to tell him or not.
"Well, it's beautiful."

I smiled at him. I think I liked this Yuki better but that was because he didn't remember anything. If he knew the truth then he wouldn't be this kind to me.

"You seem troubled again." I quickly shook my head.
"It's nothing." I saw Toko and Tsukumo glare at me.
"I better go or family will be worried about me."
"Will I be able to see you again?"
"Yeah, soon."
"Okay, bye."

I quickly walked off to avoid trouble. While I was out of his sight, I quickly used my magic to find the others. A trail of cherry blossom petals showed the path. I followed it until it led me to a park. Luka was leaning against a tree while Sodom and Flare were playing on the playground. I went over to them and sat down next to Luka.

"Did you already visit Yuki?"
"It was more of a quick glance," he replied. I sweatdropped.
"He seemed nice."
"That's because he doesn't remember."
"Whatever." Suddenly, a whole group of duras surrounded us. Luka and I killed them.
"Come on, let's go back."

I nodded. Flare turned back into a fox and leapt onto my shoulder. I teleported back to my room. Luka didn't seem to have followed us.

"(Y/n), I'm bored," Flare exclaimed.
"Well, what do you want to do?"
"I don't know, I'm just bored."
"Seriously? What about going to play with your animal friends?"
"They don't want to play with me anymore."
"What? Why?"
"Because...they found out about..."
"About what?" She hesitated for a while.

Even the animals now?! *sigh* Now Flare would be extremely burdened because of me. Why did she have to be my familiar? She would've been better off with someone else.

"(Y/n)?" Flare waved her fingers in front of my face. I blinked a few times.
"Uh yes?"
"You spaced out again," she pointed out.
"Hehe, sorry about that."
"You seem to do that a lot, is something on your mind?"
"No, nothing."
"You know you can talk to me, right?" Her face was filled with concern and kindness. I smiled at her.
"Yeah, I know."

She eventually fell asleep so I decided to go walk around for a bit. I literally had no destination in mind. Flare was right. I was getting bored as well and I didn't know what to do.

I went to the park and sat down on a bench. I closed my eyes and focused on the atmosphere around me. It felt calming. I could sense the nature's 'feelings'.

"Excuse me." I opened my eyes to find myself looking at a small girl.
"I can't find my mummy. I'm all alone." She had tears forming in her eyes but it looked like she was trying to hold back.
"I'll help you look for her. What does she look like?"
"Black hair and blue eyes." I held her hand. We searched throughout the whole town but had no luck. We were about to give up until...
"Sakura, stay away from that creature!" Sakura? Was that the girl's name?
"Mummy?" She ran to the woman and hugged her. Her mother picked her up and glared at me.
"Listen sweetie, stay away from her. She's not human."
"But she helped me find you-"
"I do not care, just listen to mummy and stay away from her."

The little girl stayed quiet and secretly waved at me when they left. I smiled gently at her. Then it started to rain. Oh great *sarcasm*. What next? A volcano erupting? Oh no, Yuki! I quickly ran to his location and helped kill the duras.

"It's you!" he exclaimed, surprised. I smiled at him.
"Sorry we came late-" It was Toko and Tsukumo. They glared at me.
"Well, I'll just be going-"
"Wait, I never got your name," Yuki said.
"It's...(Y/n), (Y/n) (L/n)."
"Can't you stay for a little while longer?" Yuki asked.
"Yuki-chan, she's not some random girl you can just talk to! She's..." Tsukumo touched her arm.
"I'm sorry Yuki but I really can't..." He looked sorta confused. Then Takashiro came. I spaced out during their little talk.
"What about (Y/n)-san?" Yuki asked.
"What about me?"
"Are you part of the clan or..."
"I'm with no one, I'm alone." He looked at me with concern.
"Why? Do you not cope well with others?" he asked.
"Yeah, I guess you could say that."

A while later, Yuki left. Takashiro told Luka to stay away from Yuki for some time. He looked mad and was about to attack him. I quickly jumped out in front of Takashiro and blocked the attack. Even though it may not have hit him, I couldn't let a 'comrade' get hurt. Luka's eyes widened.

"Go after Yuki." He nodded. I turned around to look at Takashiro. He looked extremely angered.
"Why did you do that?! What makes you think you can save me?! To be accepted?! Well, it just makes me feel embarrassed to be saved by an opast like you!" He pushed past me. I...only wanted to help... That attack could've killed me if I wasn't the daughter of my father.

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