Chapter 3

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(Y/n)'s POV

It was currently night time and everyone was asleep. Luka hadn't come home. *sigh* I looked out the window and stared at the star-filled sky. I missed my father. He left me alone when I was little in order to protect me. I cried day and night. The only thing he gave me was my cherry blossom and a note that I accidentally turned into ash.

I never knew who my mother was. Maybe she died at childbirth or maybe she ran away. I'd never know. Even though my father was the brother of the demon king, he never did fight or feed on any humans. His power rivalled his brother's.

I wish I could see him again but that may be impossible. I saw him in my dreams. He gave me some advice. But I never remembered his face clearly. That was the frustrating bit. How could one forget their father's face? I was technically old enough to remember stuff but why was his face not in my memory?

"(Y/n), (Y/n)!"
"Huh? Yeah?"
"Hey, how long do you intend to stare at nothing like a weirdo?" Flare asked, smirking. *blushes in embarrassment*
"I-I was just...thinking."
"Right *sarcasm*"
"Hehe." She stared at me for a while.
"Why don't you tell me stuff?"
"What do you mean?"
"You always seem to daydream or think about something and completely ignore the world around you."
"I just have a lot on my mind. It might be a sign."
"A sign?" she asked with confusion.
"A sign that there is no more need for me after this battle ends."
"(Y/n), don't say that. You were obviously born for a reason."
"I think I found that reason."
"Well, what is it?"
"To be forever tortured and bullied by my comrades." She facepalmed. I laughed.
"*sigh* Nothing."

She left through the window. Probably to go have a walk or something. She usually did this. I leaned my head against the window sill and somehow fell asleep.

~The next day~

I woke up. Flare was sleeping peacefully on my lap. Last night, I had another dream with my father. He had said not to let the darkness corrupt my mind. I understood why he said that. With all that bullying, I might actually change sides and kill people because of how they treated me. *sigh* I wouldn't really. Sometimes I might think that but I would never do that.

"Come on, (Y/n). Let's go somewhere," Flare exclaimed.
"Uh sure." I got up and followed her around town.
"I wonder what Yuki's doing," Flare suddenly said.
"I don't know, I was just curious I guess."
"I know why you would think that. He's nice, isn't he?" She nodded.
"Ne (Y/n), can we go visit him?"
"I'm not sure they would want us anywhere near him."

We finally went back. She went to our little garden while I just stood in the hallway. This time, Toko came. She stood there and glared at me. Oh no, this was one of the times she bullied me.

"Hey (Y/n), how are you?" she asked mockingly.
"I've got something to show you."
"Sorry Toko but I don't have time-"
"Oh come on, you always have time considering how you do nothing all day." She grabbed my wrist, digging her nails into my skin and dragged me to her room.
"Look, isn't it cute?"

She held a teddy bear in her hands and shoved it into mine. When it came into contact with my skin, it burned...a lot. I immediately let go of it.

"Why did you throw it away? It was cute. Don't you like it?" she asked with a fake pout while picking it up.

She taped it to my arm. I wanted to rip it off but I couldn't. She would fuss too much. How much it hurt did not matter, as long as I could get out of here faster.

"Don't you like this?" she asked as she pulled out a little pair of earrings.

She clipped them onto my ears and they stung. It also started to bite. I could endure this, it was nothing compared to what the other opasts could do to me.

"Ne (Y/n), why aren't you screaming out?"
"Why should I?" She slapped me.
"Why should you?! Because it's supposed to hurt you!"
"It does." She growled in frustration and pulled at my hair. Someone knocked on the door and came in. It was Tsukumo.
"Toko-chan, let her go. I need to talk to you in private."

She reluctantly let me go. I quickly walked out and pulled off her little charms. Finally! I turned the corner and fell on my butt. Hotsuma glared at me.

"Watch it," he said.
"Sorry." He saw the charms next to me.
"What are these?" he asked no one in particular and threw them on me. When they touched my head, I yelled out in pain. Was it always this serious on the head?!
"I-it's too p-painful..." He took them away. I was sweating all over.
"I might keep them for later use." He left. Why?... I ran back to my room. It was way too painful. Who gave her those charms?

~Timeskip to night time~

Yuki was in trouble. I thought Luka told him to stay home during Walpulgis Night. I ran to the top of a building. Everyone was there, including Yuki's friend, the mid-villain. When he (mid-villain) noticed me, he smirked.

"Well, would you look at that? The rumoured Cherry Blossom of (F/n)." I glared at him. He laughed and continued.
"Why did you join the human's side? Is it true that you got into trouble by the demon king? Did he punish you by weakening your heart? Oh (Y/n)..." He jumped down and walked towards me. Flare growled at him. He just kicked her away.
"Flare!" Everyone stepped back. Luka was stopped by Toko.

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